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RE: [oc] PCI core - I can't synthesize.

enable usage of the ifdef-s in the foundation.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Jerzy Gbur
Sent: 20. marec 2002 14:12
To: [email protected]
Subject: [oc] PCI core - I can't synthesize.

I tried to synthesize PCI core in Xilinx ISE 4.1, but it says that:
"ERROR:Xst:996 - wb_addr_mux.v Line 165. Undefined Text Substitution macro 'undef'
EXEWRAP detected a return code of '6' from program 'C:/ISEFndtn/bin/nt/xst.exe'
Done: failed with exit code: 0006."
I'm not oriented in verilog, rather VHDL, I think that "'undef" is directive that ISE doesn't understand
or I should setup any of synthesize options?
How to resolve this?
Best regard