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Re: [oc] New FAQ has been uploaded (important!)
Hello everyone,
I've noticed that many create a new project and drop it after a week.
Or in some other instances create it only for advertizing purposes to point to some third web site. OpenCores is not replacement for yahoo or dmoz.org directory. If people will use it purely for advertizing their own web pages, we will have hundereds of "projects" and real opencores projects will not get the attention they deserve.
John, can something about this be added to
7.5 How do I start my own project?
On 20 Mar 2002 17:44 CET you wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> OpenCores now has a new FAQ. The URL is:
> http://www.opencores.org/faq.shtml
> Could all list members please read this
> new FAQ, then avoid posting FAQs in the
> future?
> A table of contents has yet to be added.
> Best wishes
> John Dalton
> OpenCores FAQ maintainer
> [email protected]
> Note: The old FAQ has been moved to:
> http://www.opencores.org/old_faq.shtml
> --
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