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Re: [oc] Re: mac

i think sanjeev and harish mail id (given in the webpage)no longer exists
as mails to their id's bounce back(pls correct me if iam wrong).
any book which talks abt digital circuits will talk abt booth algorithm
,but the best the place to look for is the NET. try www.google.com

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 [email protected] wrote:

> Hi Sanjeev and Harish,
> Let me first intro myself. My name is Jitesh and i am a master's student 
> in elec engg at clemson univ and i have an assgt on laying out a 16 bit 
> multiplier. 
> So in order to do this, i need to understand booth's algorithm. But I 
> have no clue which would be the good books for it. The ones that I 
> have referred to so far, havent done a good job. So i was wondering if 
> you could suggest a few books to me and thus help me out.
> You could reply back jitesh79 @ yahoo . com.
> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Regards,
> Jitesh
> --
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K.G.Nanda Kumar
Senior Research Engineer
Satellite Communication
Centre for Development Of Telematics
71/1,millers road
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