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Re: [oc] Yet another z80 compatible

Spectrum on a Chip ?

How much would it take to implement a full sinclair spectrum (minus memory and a/D's for tape in and sound out and rf modulator ) ?

I think it would be fun to have a DoItYourself spectrum. 

--- [email protected] wrote:
>Hi, I'm Naohiko Shimizu, Tokai University Japan.
>I put another core "mz80" under the GPL.
>This is almost instruction compatible with the Z80,
>and if you synthesize for ALTERA CPLD, it will fit 
>about 1400 logic cells. The clock cycles needed
>to execute the instruction is fewer than original.
>The bus timing is almost compatible with the MC6800.
>So it is not direct replacement of existing circuits.
>The description language of mz80 is SFL like my80 or
>Because I have little time for mz80, and spend only
>three days for it, it still lacks some of Z80 features.
>  a) The P flag is still i8080A compatilble, not take the V
>  b) DAA for subtraction is not implemented yet
>  c) R,I registers are not implemented yet
>The fix is not so difficult of course.
>You can download the code from my web site.
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