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Re: [oc] Jim Turley's article at Embedded.com


Sorry, I just finished reading this article, and I couldn't help but feel angry
at the ignorance and narrow-minded point of view that this guy gives.  I mean 
the title of the article is Open-Source Hardware, but it clearly does not even 
touch on the topic.  It only considers open-source hardware as 'free 
microprocessor', ie. Intel.  Clearly, we are a long way off from the equivalent 
of Linux to Windows on the microprocessor side.  But there are many other 
places where open-source hardware IP is advantageous - such as controllers, 
glue logic, interfaces, memory, etc.  There is not a single mention of 
reconfigurable, reprogrammable logic anywhere.  Nor of hardware development 
systems or platforms.
And these arguments of hardware not being tweakable or easy-to-collaborate are 
clearly fantasy opinions from somebody who no understanding of HDL code or 
development.  Why, all these big semi companies must have only one super-geek 
working on each chip! how do they do it?! without "modular and 
compartmentalized" code and code re-use....
And the issue of no support?!  Why would open-source hardware have any more or 
less support than open-source software?  Afterall, in the end it's still a 
group of developers who have either a good, moderate, or no understanding of a 
particular piece of code.
The author should of spent just 5 mins more of research to find out what open-
source hardware really means before he disseminated this garbage and obviously 
negative opinion.  A quick search would have found groups like opencores.org or 

Free your mind,

Quoting Pablo Bleyer Kocik <[email protected]>:

>   Embedded.com has just published an "interesting" article about 
> Open-Source Hardware by Jim Turley. Too biased... if you ask me.
> http://www.embedded.com/printableArticle?doc_id=OEG20020524S0078
>   Cheers!
> --
> PabloBleyerKocik/
>   pbleyer       /"Rintrah roars & shakes his fires in the burdend air;
>    @embedded.cl/ Hungry clouds swag on the deep" � William Blake
> --
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