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Re: [oc] I2C Core, SPI Core

if you fiend IIC vhdl code please send to me
the vhdl code or let me know where is the file.
thanks, my mail: [email protected]

----- Original Message ----- 
From: golden_1@1...  
To: cores@o...  
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 15:38:39 +0100 
Subject: Re: [oc] I2C Core, SPI Core 

> Hi,friend 
>     I'm study VHDL by myself.Now, i design a device with lattice 
> 1016e.I 
> want to program SPI and IIc use VHDL.Can you tell me where I can 
> get 
> the freecore of SPI and IIC.So I can reference it. 
>     Thanks a lot. 
>     please e-mail to golden_1@1...  
>     LN 
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