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[oc] Plea for help: Save an undivided POP/PPC market and AmigaOS

Open hardware developers, users and AmigaOS fans!

(If you subscribe to the openppc list, PPC related usenet groups or are
regular visitors to some Linux/PPC/Amiga related news sites you may have
seen this before. I apologise for the nagging, but I think it's

You might already be aware of the pending release of AmigaOS 4.0. It's a
PPC OS made for third party POP-based hardware.

However, according to a recent marketing announcement by Amiga Inc.
(http://os.amiga.com/corporate/041202-mcewen.shtml), the company is
planning to divide the POP-based hardware market into "POP" and "POP, but
for AmigaOS" fractions by an OS distribution policy and
licensing/bundling/dongling requirements which at best can be described as
anti-competitive for hardware vendors and suicidal for AmigaOS. 

An ongoing petition meant to help prevent this from happening is organised
to hit Amiga Inc. with a clue-by-four.

A central information site for this effort was put online:


Please visit this site for more information, links and and FAQs.

The URL of the petition itself (containing a short summary) is:


We urge everyone interested in a chance for AmigaOS to survive, a unified
independent PowerPC hardware market and Open Hardware solutions to please
show your support by signing the petition.

Help spread the word! Tell your colleagues and friends, tip off news
sites, forward this to relevant forums/lists, put the URL in your
.signature. Amiga Inc. claims to have "consulted users and developers". We
have no idea when this is supposed to have happened, so let them know what
we really think!

Thanks for your time and support!
Sorry about the interruption - now back to your regularly scheduled
Emanuel Mair ___________________________________________________
[email protected]        Support free hardware choice and save AmigaOS!
[email protected]          http://AmigaPOP.8bit.co.uk
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