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Re: [oc] VHDL code for following condition needed


[email protected] wrote:
> Hi,
> Assume you have a control pin A [Integer], a clk and output CNT.
> Now, depending on the value of A, CNT should count from A value.
> That is, 
> if A = 0, the counter should count from 0 to 3.
> if A = 1, the counter should count from 4 to 7.
> if A = 5, the counter should count from 20 to 23.
> if A = 2, the counter should count from 8 to 11.
> ... and so on.
> Is there any way to write a general code for the above condition.
> Thanks in advance.

You need to supply a bit more information. For example:

What is the expected behaviour of the counter when A changes? Shall the 
counter start counting at the lower end of the new range? What happens when 
the counter goes back to a previous visited A state?

In general though, the answer to your question is yes. You can quite easily 
write code for this in either Verilog or VHDL. Think of it as a generic MOD4 
counter with settable base value.

Good luck!

Med v�nlig h�lsning, Yours

Joachim Str�mbergson - Alltid i harmonisk sv�ngning.
VP, Research & Development
InformAsic AB / Hugo Grauers gata 5B / SE-411 33 G�TEBORG / Sweden
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