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Re: [oc] project browser
I would like to resurrect a theme from some time ago.
Some people ( including me ) found the projects page
not clear enough. I and others made some suggestions
for an improved projects page. Since nothing happened
from then on, I thought, if you want something to move,
start to push it.
So I will try make summarize and make a design for this,
out of the suggestions.
Miha Lampret [[email protected]] suggested that the
project page would only contain the categories and under the
categories there would be the relevant Information. I would
second this and suggest when the categories had subcategories
to list them also on the projects page. To me this means, if
a category can divided in subcategories, we should do it.
8051 like cpus
mips like cpus
I would suggested that on the projects page should
only be active projects, here I mean either active developed
or finished. An active developed project should have at least
a meaningful project page ( some kind of description and
status ). It would cease to be an active project if either
the maintainer explicitly declares it or there is a period
of inactivity in an unfinished project. Then it should
moved to something like a graveyard, where it could sometime
later be resurrected if somebody finds it worthwhile.
On the categories pages the individual projects should at least
have the following information.
1. Status ( in Form of a colour coded Progress Bar)
I would suggest to start with some colour for a new
project and change gradually to another for a completed
project. If the project is tested and has complete information
it changes colour again. In my sample icons I started with
red for a new project and going to yellow for a project in
alpha state, and than change to green for an mature project.
I have used 5 steps 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. I think
that the maintainer should set the status for all but the last
stage. Here somebody not from the project should check if the
documentation is reasonably complete.
2. SoC Bus Icon ( None, Wishbone, Amba )
If none we would place an placeholder Icon, so that the
columns would be still aligned.
3. Implementation Language ( VHDL, Verilog, SystemC etc. )
For this 3 points I have made some Icons.
In a first step I suggest that the existing projects page would be
modified to contain this information through the icons and later
the subcategories build if time and interest permits.
I have done a small test web page where one could see what it would look
like. But since I have no web server I could either mail it to the list,
the zip archive is approximately 5KB big, or mail it to somebody who could
put it up on the web for the others to look.
With kind regards
Klaus Leiss
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