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[oc] Re: Ensim WEBppliance in violation of GPL
On Sat, Jun 22, 2002 at 03:39:49PM +0200, [email protected] wrote:
> I am a web hoster. I am currently using Ensim's control panel product.
> After several request to get the source code to key components of thier
> software application I decided to review thier licensing status.
This some random web hosting solution, as it seems. What has this to do
with cores?
> The following programs are GPL in Ensim's Webppliance: Proftpd,
> MySQL, phpMyAdmin just to name a few.
So if they are still separate programs, they aren't linked.
> In v 2.x of thier product they linked it with Linux Red Hat 6.2, another
> GPL program. Making the current version a dirivitive of that license, also
> GPL.
Red Hat isn't a program, and I fail to see how you can "link to it".
> I tried to work something out with Ensim to allow them to mend their
> ways without hurting their company or thier industry but they refused.
> Yesterday I lodged a formal license violation compalint with GNU.
With GNU? GNU is an operating system.
> It
> should not be long before the web hosting community has a very strong
> open sourced GPL control panel option.
It doesn't work like that. If they really violated the GPL (which I
doubt, judging from your comments), all you could was to make them stop
to continue to do so and sue for damages.
You can't force someone to follow the license, you can only force them
to stop violating it.
P.S.: If you want to troll, look for a more appropriate forum.
Andreas Bombe <[email protected]> DSA key 0x04880A44
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