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Re: [oc] Development Boards


Matts wrote:
> Development boards for FPGA programming are quite expensive. The cheapest I could find was $450.
> Would it not be a good idea to put some designs of development/prototype boards on a section on www.opencores.org ?
> I would like PCB:s and items lists for some boards together with descriptrions on how to make a suitable JTAG cable, and what free (gratis ot free) software that can be used with them.
> The FPGA's themsalf are not very expensive, and I believe many opencores interested can create a PCM and solder on the chips themself.
> At least I am interested in this.

IMHO the boards available from either Xilinx or Altera (haven't checked the 
other vendor offerings) are excellent value for many, and I have a hard time 
to see that you would be able to create a board with similar features cheaper 
than what they charge.

If you look at the Altera Nios SDK board for example, it comes not only with 
an APEX 20K200, but also with FLASH, lots of SRAM, headers, UART, DO-SIMM, 
switches LEDs, 7-SEGMENT LED, LCD-display etc. All those small things add up 
pretty quickly. Add software tools, documentation etc into the deal and it 
looks darn cheap to me.

My take on it is in fact that these boards are sold at manufacturing cost or 
even subsidised. They are a great way for the vendors to get people started 
using their products.

I can see a few reasons to do you own board. It's fun. It's educational. You 
get exactly what you want. But if it's a general proto board you want, then 
price is not a good reason. Spend your costly time on the design you run on 
the board instead.

Med v�nlig h�lsning, Yours

Joachim Str�mbergson - Alltid i harmonisk sv�ngning.
VP, Research & Development
InformAsic AB / Hugo Grauers gata 5B / SE-411 33 G�TEBORG / Sweden
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