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Re: [oc] synthesize and pipeline programming
If your goal is to optimize each stage of the pipeline
then you will have to repeat the synthesis of the verilog.
After each synthesis, evaluate the timing and try and
optimize the stages to meet your design requirements or
balancing of the pipeline stages (if an optimal approach
is desired...)
Each stage of a pipeline is defined by the registering of
signals within that stage... If the signals are registered
between each stage, you will not get any major optimizations
between stages. Synthesis tools don't generally move logic
(maybe inverters) from one side of a flip-flop to the other...
Ultimately it all depends on what your goal is...
Depending of what FPGA architecture and what systhesis tool &
synthesis directives the end-user is using, the stages will have
different timing and thus the overall performance will differ...
A better approach might be to design the pipeline with various
points at which the execution could be registered and turn them
on or off using synthesis directives and GENERICS. Thus for
different FPGA architectures and synthesis tools the code
could be optimized to have the best performance.
Examples of this kind of coding exist in GNU Software...
For different architectures and different Operating Systems
the code compiles differently to take advantage of specific
optimizations available at compile-time...
As always though, the control will be a bit of a pain...
Some control signals will have to be delayed until needed
by a specific "stage" and others might not be needed at all.
This is most apparent in the register dependency logic
between stages...
If I am mistaken in any of my assumptions please correct me...
I haven't paid very close attention to synthesis tools for
a few years, but I don't think they have changed that much...
--- Madhusudhan Rao <[email protected]> wrote:
> 1. If you want to better optimization in your
> pipeline case better to synthesize as single module.
> If u synthesize individually Design Compiler will take
> care about individual stage optimigation only.
> --- jae lim <[email protected]> wrote:
> > 1) For the pipelined Simple RISC processor, is it
> > easier for the synthesis tool to optimize the code
> > if I implemented as five stage pipeline as small
> > modules as possible or it doesn't matter even if I
> > implement it as a whole big module? If the former is
> > the case, should I divide the module as five stages,
> > including every functional units into the stage
> > modules or should I put the functional units as
> > individual modules?
> > Any suggestions will be greatly helpful!!
> >
> > Have a nice weekend.
> >
> > Jay
> >
> =====
> MadhusudhanaRao.M
God Bless,
Jason Silcox
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