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Re: [oc] To Jason
jae lim wrote:
> Hello Jason
> Thank you very much for your input!
>A better approach might be to design the pipeline
>>with various points at which the execution could be
>>registered and turn them on or off using synthesis
>>directives and GENERICS.Thus for different FPGA
>>architectures and synthesis tools the code could be
>>optimized to have the best performance.
> How can I design the pipeline at different points at
> which the execution could be registered? What is
There are different ways to do this. Both Verilog and VHDL have constructs
built into the language that lets you apply parameters/control values/generics
and have the RTL-tools parse the parameters and adjust the RTL during parsing
to the final RTL used by the tool.
If you have experience with C programming, you can view this as something like
pragmas and preprocessor directives. (Both Verilog and VHDL have pragmas too,
but that's not what we are talking about here)
Depending on which language you are using you should read up on the different
constructs for that specific language.
Another approach is to divide your design into an architecture with blocks
that can be instansiated and then have use a script to generate the RTL for
you. What you do is basically the following. Assuming that all Fs are purely
combinational functional blocks (ie logic) and vertical lines are clock lines
(i.e registers) you get a standard Werner diagram like this:
| | | | | |
| F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 |
| | | | | |
A Perl script having access to the RTL for F1 - F5 and a parameter with number
of stages needed can generate a top level with the registers and connect the
blocks to the registers. The same pipeline can thus be generated with anything
from 1 to 5 stages suitable for slow speed to high speed operation.
The generics basically do the same thing so you may choose whichever solution
that you feel suits your way of designing. We have adopted the scripting
approch not only because it suits our methodology approach, but also because
we have previous experience with EDA tools having different ways of
using/interpreting generics.
If your synthesis tool generates a different design internally compared to
your simulator, coverage tool, power estimator and/or floor planner, you will
have days of fun. ;-)
> And also, about the control logic, could you explain
> to me in more detail? I am really new to this area:--(
Consider the pipeline above, If you would have a central control machine that
looks at the result from F1 and will send a control message to F5 when the
result reaches F5, the control machine would have to be able to wait anywhere
from 1 to 4 steps (clock cycles) before sending the message. This is naturally
due to the number of stages.
This can be solved in different ways. Stage local control machines
communicating only with it's neighbours, pipelined message queues etc.
It's really not that hard, think that you shrink or stretch the pipeline and
then consider what happens to the pipeline internally as well as surrounding
data and control paths.
Good luck!
Med v�nlig h�lsning, Yours
Joachim Str�mbergson - Alltid i harmonisk sv�ngning.
VP, Research & Development
InformAsic AB / Hugo Grauers gata 5B / SE-411 33 G�TEBORG / Sweden
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