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Re: [oc] I2C slave model

On Saturday 27 July 2002 03:07, [email protected] wrote:
> I tried to use the slave as well.  The default slave address in the
> model is 001_0000.  When this address is sent the slave does NOT
> respond with an acknowledge.  The problem is as follows.
> The state machine is continuously reset to idle since the sto signal
> is  true.  This holds the ld signal true whenver sto is true.  This
> causes a problem because the ld signal does not go low until the 3rd
> bit of the address is transmitted in the default case.  This causes
> acc_done (bit counter) to be true two clocks after my_adr, and the
> slave does not realize it has been addressed.
> If you change the address to any address 1XX_XXXX, then the slave
> model will respond.  However this will not allow testing of half of
> the 128 addresses.  I haven't figured out the best way to correct this
> problem yet.
> Marcus Pasquarella

This is a known bug. Maybe I should state it on the website, many people 
already reported it. But so far nobody (including me) has fixed it yet.


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