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Re: [oc] How can I wrap ASB with AHB efficiently?
[email protected] wrote:
> Currently I'm making a ASB2AHB wrapper. One of most difficult thing is
> ASB use both rising and falling clock edge but AHB use rising edge only.
Just a quick question: Why are you working with ASB? The ASB bus is deprecated
and ARM usually recommend against using it. What you should be using is the
AHB,APB combination.
AHB is a much more flexible and nicer architecture, and since it's so well
used, I would assume that it would be much more relevant target as a research
The clock behaviour is but one problem with ASB.
Med v�nlig h�lsning, Yours
Joachim Str�mbergson - Alltid i harmonisk sv�ngning.
VP, Research & Development
InformAsic AB / Hugo Grauers gata 5B / SE-411 33 G�TEBORG / Sweden
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