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Re: [oc] CAN core

Dear all, 

I have attended one course called "System Engineering for Automotive
Electronics". One of the discussions is the CAN and its
implementation in automotive system. 

I add the following link for your information:
The CAN is described in lecture 5. 

And also, I would like to help somewhere in the project ;).



--- Shehryar Shaheen <[email protected]> wrote:
> I suppose u already have some background knowledge on CAN
> In case u don't I would say start looking into the spec CAN 2.0 ,
> it's free
> to download.
> Also there are good overviews and introductions available on the
> net, here
> is one of them
> This is just a quick overview but before u go into the spec I would
> suggest
> have a look at this first.
> It gives a good introduction the spec goes into minor details.
> The point where we decide the exact partitioning of the core and
> other
> design related details
> will only come if Bosch is ok with all this :-)
> I have sent an e-mail to the concerned person in Bosch, once he
> gets back to
> me
> we'll know if we should proceed or not.
> Regards
> Shehryar

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