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Re: [oc] DPLL or similar

Could you please email me a copy of this software or send some 
information on a fractional N divider which I need to implement on an 
FPGA, to generate the various bit ratea required for an MP3 decoder

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Allan Herriman <allan_herriman.hates.spam@a... > 
To: cores@o...  
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 22:13:16 +1100 
Subject: Re: [oc] DPLL or similar 

> Hi Antonio, 
> Antonio Olmo wrote: 
> > I would be very thanked if you can help me. Please i�m looking 
> for a 
> > several clocks for an uart. That is, i have 40 MHz clock and i 
> must 
> > get several frequencies as 24 MHz, 33 MHz,... I don�t know to 
> do a 
> > DPLL in a FPGA. Can you help me? 
> Perhaps you could implement this with fractional-N dividers.  I 
> have a 
> free program that writes VHDL code for any fixed frequency 
> fractional-N 
> divider that you care to specify.  Email for a copy (remove the 
> .hates.spam part of the reply address first) 
> Given that you say you are using an FPGA (which have limited clock 
> resources) and the frequency is fairly low (40MHz) I suggest having 
> everything clock from the 40MHz clock, and use clock enables on the 
> logic that you want to run at 24MHz, etc. 
> The clock enables may end up with a large fanout.  The FPGA you use 
> may 
> have buffer resources that can be used for this, or you may need to 
> fan 
> out the clock enables over a few levels of flip flops. 
> Fractional-N dividers generate jitter.  You should analyse your 
> application to determine whether the amount of jitter generated is 
> acceptable. 
> If you need a *variable* frequency divider, then the results of my 
> script won't be immediately useful, but you should be able to hack 
> into 
> the phase accumulator version to make it variable. 
> So, can you let us know: 
> Do you want the frequency dividers to be fixed (always has the same 
> output frequency), or variable (you can change the output 
> frequency)? 
> What frequency accuracy do you require? 
> How much jitter can your application tolerate? 
> VHDL or Verilog? 
> Which FPGA are you using?  (Are you aware that some FPGAs, e.g. 
> Virtex2, 
> have built-in clock synthesis?) 
> Regards, 
> Allan. 
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