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[oc] FW: [openip] Brave GNU World (fwd)

Hi list,

I've proposed the OpenIPCore project for the "Brave GNU World" column
which appears in the german "Linux-Magazin" and few days later on
www.brave-gnu-world.org and reports every month about interesting GNU
projects. Georg C. F. Reve, the author, wrote me that he was very
interested and told me to pass the following questionnaire to the
I thought the mailing-list was the best place for this, since all
opencores.org-projects should be involved.
I think this is a great opportunity to really reach "the public".

The (thoroughly discussed) answers please to [email protected]

Brave GNU World standard questions:


 These are the standard questions for the Brave GNU World column that
 can be found online at http://brave-gnu-world.org. 

 It has become customary to fill out these questions and mail them
 back to <[email protected]> in order to give me a good
 feeling/impression about a project. This also applies to
 non-technical projects, btw. 

 Please feel free to be as verbose as you want as more information
 will allow me to gain a more complete picture which I can then use to
 write a more complete feature.


 * What is it?

 * Who would use it?

 * Why would they use it instead of similar projects?

 * (Programming) language used in this project?

 * Special features/strengths?

 * Special problems?

 * Who is working on it?

 * History of the project?

 * Why did the project start?

 * Current status of the project?

 * Plans for the close and distant future?

 * Do you need help? If so: of what kind?

 * Interesting/fun stories that might juice up the story?

 * Website/FTP addresses?

 * License?!

 * Standard documents to read in this context?

 * Anything you would like to see mentioned?

 * Answer to a question I forgot?


 Everything you want me to read should be sent to me by
 mail because very often I will take my mail with me and 
 read it where I don't have access to the net.
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