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[oc] A Story of Rafaele CIRIELLO;
A Story of Rafaele CIRIELLO; "Between bulldogs and lapdogs"..
-A tribute to Photographer-Journalist Comrade Rafaele CIRIELLO, who
murdered by
the armed Zionist Mafia in the occupied Middle East-
- Is it possible to stop the Imperialist-Zionist Medai-lies?
- I don't
know Rafaele, I am working as fotographer in Tel Aviv, I must to have a
here and therefore I have no more any minimal right to discuss on such
subjects!.. - ?!
-Borned 1960 in Italy; killed in the Occupied Palestine, on March 13,
2002 by the Zionist Assassination GangIs it possible to stop the
"Imperialist-Zionist Media" lies?
- Remembrance (Brief) published by the Independent Journalists' Bulletin
October, 2000
What is reported and what is real?
PCR Exc. Director
Media coverage
for the current crisis in Jewish Power-Palestine creates the image of a
in process. Reports are focused around clashes, exchange of fire, and
actions initiated by both sides. The recipients of such reports are very
confused in searching for the missing links. Why is this happening?, who
is the
initiator?, who attacks first?, where is all of this heading?, what are the
things that are going on but never reported? And how significant are
The first deficiency of all reports that you all receive is the focus on
and exchange of fire. From the Palestinian side assuming that 20 clashes
and 10
incidents of exchange of fire occur daily then no more than 25 hundred
out of 3 million are directly involved. Form the Occupational Zionist side
dozens of soldiers and hundreds of Jewish settlers are as well directly
involved. So is this the size of the problem?. What you all do not receive
reports on is the ongoing process of establishing the Palestinian
and the emerging apartheid on a scale that matches the ex-south
African one.
This process did not start with the current events; on the contrary the
Palestinian Intifada was a direct result of this ongoing Jewish policy.
Unfortunately, Oslo, which was supposed to be a major peace process,
was a major
corner stone in the implementation of this apartheid system. Isolating
caging Palestinian highly populating areas and masking the Jewish
while still in effect, are direct outcomes of the Oslo accords. While all
about it as being interim arrangements, Palestinians feared both it
permanent and the future options that it might create. This crisis has
those fears as right.
The major characters of the Zionist policy regarding the recent crisis are
direct consequence of the implementation of the Oslo accords. The first
manifestation is the usage of full capacity military power against
civilian targets. This was not even an option during the 1987 Intifada.
This act
was a direct consequence of masking the occupation, while still in
effect, and
pretending that in between Palestinian reservations and Jews a state of
exists. Let us not forget two important facts. One, through the whole
period of
the Zionist occupation of the West Bank and Gaza small militant groups
against the occupation were in action yet collective punishment against
civilians never reached this level. Two, the little arms that Palestinians
were handed to them by USrael through the implementation of Oslo
Obviously, Jews did think about the possibility of those arms being used
Palestinian protesters are under massive fire and are daily killed in
Reports about intensive Fascist Occupational army training to encounter
possibility dates back to more than three years. It is likely that Israeli
generals realized earlier than anyone else that such an act will provide
with an acceptable excuse to mobilize their military might and create a
environment either to force permanently the apartheid segregation or
massive transfer as a solution to the Palestinian demographic problem.
Nowadays, the manifestation of the future permanent apartheid
segregation is in
effect on ground. Each Palestinian city or town is totally under siege.
of people is limited within the reservation they live in. certain roads,
especially the newly created by-pass ones are marked, without signs
but by
policy, for Jews only. What ever stands in the way of settlers and army
mobility and interests is demolished or uprooted. Palestinian highly
areas are regularly subject to revenge attacks that resemble the Wild
West era.
People in the reservations has no work, no future, has nothing to lose
naturally will continue fighting and provide more excuses for intensifying
implementing more of the apartheid segregation procedures.
What was evident especially lately, that the so-called peace
government in
USrael and all who rallied behind are totally defeated. Any expected
that will emerge out of the coming elections will reflect more the desire
of the
right wing movement in USrael. While all governments in USrael
commonly used the
same procedures against Palestinians, the aims are different this time.
There is
an urgent need to keep an eye focused on the gradual implementation
of what is
described by Israeli officials as security measures. In effect, there are
serious indicators that those are permanent strategic and political
Let us not forget that most of the Jewish provocative settlement built in
occupied territories were introduced as a security need and East Qud�s
was under
siege and Palestinians were denied free access because of the security
arrangements during the Gulf war 1991, the war ended years ago but
East Qud�s
continued to be under siege.
Within USrael, people who are committed to peace and justice are called
to be
crystal clear in differentiating between racial segregation and peace
Jewish Liar Barak, (formerly Prime, child murderer) and for more than 18
represented a convenient symbol of an artificial marriage of both. Many
behind him thinking that this is the march towards peace. Now it is
clearer that
rallying behind Barak is a manifestation of a blind support for racial
segregation. Within Palestine, while Palestinians have the right to use all
means of resistance against the Israeli occupation, serious attempts
start to revert to peaceful non-violent means of resistance against
Massive peaceful rally's can be efficient in cracking down the symbols of
apartheid, namely military checkpoints and can serve in disabling the
army from using its military arsenal against Palestinian. This is the only
to establish a healthy coalition for peace and justice in the Middle East.
If it
is to start it should now.
- When media loses all of its sensibility, do they expect that the people
as well? , reports the Independent Journalists' FM Channel on
14th, 2000
- Signed by Ghassan Andoni, PCR Exc. Director
- Explain!
- The newspaper,
Ha'aretz recently reported that a crew
from the well-known "60 minutes" news program was involved in a re-
enactment of
the October 1 gun battle at Nitzarim junction, in which 12-year-old
Mohammad al
Dura was killed. While the motive behind re-investigating the incident by
IDF (Insanity Death Forces of Zionist Occupational Gang), or in
particular by an
unknown Israeli physicist Nahum Shahaf, and an engineer, Duriel, is
the involvement of "60 minutes" is puzzling. Even according to
Ha'aretz, "In
choosing Shahaf and Duriel as partners in the al Dura inquiry, the IDF
has again
shot itself in the foot. Even if the investigation and its conclusions should
pass muster on scientific and professional grounds, they simply won't be
accepted by the public. That might make little scientific sense, but it's a
public-relation fact". Ha'aretz quotes a Jewish police officer, Yossi Almog
saying, " If you want to release some conclusion that carries weight, it is
important that the investigation be carried by the most professional
staff the
state can put together."
So "60 minutes" signed an agreement for exclusive rights with a couple of
amateurs, who have no credentials, even in the eyes of the Zionist
army, and is
willing to broadcast their lunatic assumptions to millions of people all over
the world. How objective and committed to truth is this program?
One cannot but lose patience in following their story. According to
Shahaf and
Duriel, Jamal al Dura and his son were brought to the junction in a play
designed specifically for the cameras. French TV was invited to
broadcast the
play live. The father and son took their assigned place behind the
barrel. An exchange of fire was conducted for the sole purpose of filming.
Shahaf even notes that the father, Jamal, was making deliberate
gestures to the
TV crew trying to coordinate the best scene for his son to be killed and
seriously injured. Shahaf then retreats and states that maybe the father
did not
know that the play would go to that extent. Then by studying carefully
the holes
made by the bullets in the wall and how perfectly rounded they were, he
concluded that another Palestinian group was the one who shot and
killed the boy
and that the Jewish Army had nothing to do with it. In one of the Jewish
Occupational military camps, a similar scene was prepared and the
incident was
Let us look at what Duriel wrote in Ha'aretz two days after the
incident. "The
IDF spokesman deserves a prize for stupidity�Ten minutes after the
incident a
normal spokesman for a normal army would have released a categorically
formulated statement saying that, provocateurs opened fire against IDF
behind the back of a child, and made sure he would be killed in front of
cameras; and after the boy, they killed the ambulance driver who tried
to save
him. All this was done to score propaganda points by depicting murderous
behavior on part of IDF soldiers." This statement indicates that Duriel
have attempted to protect or cover for the IDF even before he started
"investigate" the incident. Yet "60 minutes" is considering his work as
objective and scientific and is willing to expose its audience to a pre-
cover story with an already declared purpose.
There are a few legitimate questions that need to be answered by Don
Hewitt of
60 minutes.
would Zionist Gang refrain from establishing
a thorough state investigation into this incident and depend on two
inexperienced scientists to do so? Why did Zionist Gang destroy the
scene of the
crime and leave no evidence for a reasonable investigation? Why did the
Gang's army admit responsibility, but later come up with this Hollywood-
In the Ha'aretz article there are some answers, which I will bring to your
attention. Mr. Shahaf, the savior of the IDF, kept calling for a meeting
General in Command, Yom Tov Samia. But he was only able to meet with
him after
the scene was destroyed. Mr. Shahaf believed that an efficient
into this case could only be conducted in the "Manhattan Project" style.
physicist would be given the power to choose the staff he needs and
The Manhattan Project, for those who do not know, was established to
and produce the first atomic bomb during World War II. So Mr. Shahaf,
apparently sees Einstein when he looks in the mirror, thinks of himself as
savior. This is why no thorough state investigation was required; Mr.
Shahaf is
apparently the only one who is capable of conducting a thorough and
As ridiculous as it appears to many, it did not look the same for Don
Hewitt of
"60 minutes." According to Ha'aretz, "60 minutes" bought the story and
signed a
contract for exclusive broadcasting rights. It is about time for the ones
follow the program and trust that it is worth seeing, to demand answers
to the
many questions raised by their involvement in this weird work. If the
of "60 Minutes" have loyalties to the Zionist Occupational Gang, perhaps
should be kept personal. Ordinary American citizens, should not be
subjected to biased media, especially if the topic is as human and as
tragic as
the killing of a little boy who did no harm and presented no threat to
- Silencing the Press been published by the Independent Journalists' FM
on Nov.20, 2000
- A Report on Jewish Aggression against Journalists?! I remember...
- Yes, it's!.. Broadcasting began with three
famous rules of
international authorities; " Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion
expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media
regardless of frontiers." (Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights of 1948.)
"Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall
include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all
regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing, or print, in the form of
art, or through any other media of his choice." (Article 19 of the
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966)
"Journalists engaged in dangerous professional missions in areas of armed
conflict shall be considered as civilians � They shall be protected as
under the Conventions and this protocol, provided that they take no
adversely affecting their status as civilians�" (Article 79 of Protocol
Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 'Protocol 1.')
- Go on!
- Since the outbreak of what has come to be known as "Al-Aqsa
journalists and reporters of local and international press agencies have
been immune to blatant violations perpetrated by the Jewish occupation
against defenseless Palestinian civilians. Many of these journalists,
photographers and cameramen who were covering the incidents of Al-
Aqsa Intifada,
were chased, intimidated and shot by the Israeli occupation forces.
Shooting at
international and local journalists and reporters, to hinder their covering
these incidents, has become a prominent aspect of a policy adopted by
the Jewish
occupation forces, which aims at hiding their crimes and killings against
defenseless Palestinian civilians. These particular actions escalated after
waves of criticism directed at the Israeli government by the international
community and public opinion. Million of people watched on television
the willful cold-blooded killing of Palestinian children and young men by
Zionist occupation forces, especially the assassination of the child
Al-Durreh at Al-Shuhada' (Netzarim) junction in the Gaza Strip. This child
assassinated before the eyes of the world, as a brave journalist covered
it for
all television stations in the world. This crime has shaken all human
and has revealed the real face of a racist and inhumane occupation.
Despite the consensus of the international community that journalists
must be
protected while carrying out their duties, the Israeli occupation forces,
several occasions willfully shot at them while they were covering clashes
Al-Aqsa Intifada, in a blatant violation of relevant international
and law. These practices come as a tangible expression of slighting
international law and international humanitarian law by the Fascist Zionist
occupation forces. These laws ensure, inter alia, the protection of
and the right to receive and impart information as preconditions to
the right to a free press. The following section surveys significant
by the Jewish occupation forces against journalists since the outbreak of
clashes between Palestinian civilians and the enemies who occupied the
- ...and a list about the Occupational Jewish Gang's Practices against
- Z.O.Gang shot on many journalists , reports the Independent
Journalists' FM
Channel on On September 29, 2000:
A unit of the Jewish occupation forces beat the journalist Khaled Abu
correspondent of France 2 and correspondent of The New York Times,
when he was
covering clashes between Palestinian civilians and the Zionist
occupation forces
inside Al-Haram Al-Sharif (the Holy Sanctuary). The incident took place
when Abu
Akar refused to hand a rubber-coated metal bullet he found on the
ground to a
Jew soldier. Jewish soldiers started to beat the mentioned journalist with
sticks. On the same day, while he was covering the same clashes, the
Mahfouzh Abu Turk, a cameraman of France 2, was wounded with a
metal bullet in the left side, shot by the Israeli occupation forces inside
Al-Haram Al-Sharif. This incident took place while Abu Turk was
clashes between Palestinian civilians and the Jewish occupation forces
behind a stone bar inside Al-Haram Al-Sharif. Soldiers of the Jewish
forces also beat journalist Khaled Zaghri, a photographer of Reuters,
while he
was covering the same clashes. The journalist Hazem Bader, a
photographer of the
Associated Press, was wounded with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the
eye. Soldiers of the Jewish occupation forces also beat Awadh Awadh, a
photographer of Agence France Presse, and tried to break his
equipment, while he was covering the same clashes.
In Hebron, the Jewish occupation forces
shot at Aamer El-Jabari, a
reporter of NBC, wounding him with a bullet in the head, while he was
clashes between Palestinian civilians and the Israeli occupation forces.
wounded reporter was evacuated to Hadasa hospital. The Jewish
occupation forces
also shot at Naji Dana, a cameraman of France 2, wounding him with a
rubber-coated metal bullet, while he was covering the same clashes.
The Jewish
occupation forces beat Luai Abu Haikal, a reporter of Reuters, and
wounded Wael
El-Shiokhi, an independent journalist, with a rubber-coated metal bullet
in the
side. Read Awadh, a cameraman of the Palestinian television channel
Watan, was
wounded by a bullet in the foot.
Rami Noufal, a reporter of the Palestinian
Broadcasting Station, was
beaten by Jewish occupation troops at a roadblock stationed by these
troops in
Bethlehem. In Gaza, the Jewish occupation forces beat Wafiq Mattar, a
journalist of the Palestinian Political Steering Bueau, injuring him in
parts of the body.
- Many journalists wounded , reports the Independent Journalists' FM
Channel on
September 30, 2000:
The Southern Commander of the Zionist
Gang's army Yom Tov Samia,
issue a decision preventing all those of Israeli nationality, including
journalists and reporters, from entering the areas of the Palestinian
Authority. This decision aimed at hiding facts about what was taking
place in
the occupied Palestinian territories, and preventing Arab citizens of
Oiccupational Gang's from learning what was going on there.
Mouaffaq Turki Qassem Mattar, 46 years
old, a photographer of
Falasteen Al-Yawm (Palestine Today) Press in Ramallah, was wounded
with a
rubber-coated metal bullet in the head, while he was covering clashes
Palestinian civilians and the Jewish occupation forces near Al-Shuhada'
(Netzarim) junction to the south of Gaza City.
- Jewish occupational gang tried to kill the photographers , reports the
Independent Journalists' FM Channel on October 2, 2000:
The car of Mawan El-Ghoul, a cameraman
of CBC, and director of Mayadin
Company for Media and Television Production, was shelled by a Jewish
helicopter. It was completely destroyed. This incident took place near
Al-Shuhada' (Netzarim) junction in the Gaza Strip, while El-Ghoul was
clashes between Palestinian civilians and the Zionist occupation forces.
El-Ghoul stated that his car was distinguished from all cars in the area
as a
press car by identifying signs in Arabic and English. Inside the car, there
photography equipment estimated to be valued at no less than US$
Hazem Bader, a photographer of the Associated
Press, was wounded with a
live bullet in the right hand, shot by the Israeli occupation forces, while
was covering clashes between Palestinian civilians and these forces
Al-Haram Al-Sharif.
Jewish occupation troops shot at Mazen
Dana, a photographer of
Reuters, wounding him with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the right leg,
he was covering clashes between the Palestinian civilians and the Zionist
occupation forces in El-Shallala street in Hebron.
- Funeral attacked and photographer
humiliated by ZOGang , reports the
Independent Journalists' FM Channel on October 4, 2000:
Oweisat, a
photographer of Zoom 77 press agency, was beaten and humiliated by
occupation troops, while he was covering a funeral procession of a
martyr, Mohammed El-Sarkhi, in the village of Jabal El-Mukabber near
Oweisat stated that a group of seven Jewish soldiers attacked him,
forced him to
lie down and started hitting him in the stomach and neck. As a result, he
fainted and was evacuated to hospital. He left hospital on the same day.
- Newsweek's photographer been shot by
ZOGang , reports the
Independent Journalists' FM Channel on October 9, 2000:
Zionist Fascist occupation troops shot rubber-coated metal bullets at
Delahye, a photographer of Newsweek, hitting and damaging the lens of
camera. The incident took place while he was covering clashes between
Palestinian civilians and the Jewish occupation forces in Ramallah. A week
later, in the same city, Delahye was wounded by a rubber-coated metal
bullet in
the forehead, while he was photographing a young Palestinian man who
had been
wounded by a live bullet in the head during clashes between Palestinian
civilians and the Israeli occupation forces.
- ZOGang continue to shot the journalists ,
reports the Independent
Journalists' FM Channel on October 14, 2000:
The car of journalists
Hssan El-Titi and Abdel-Rahman Qousini, of the Associated Press, was
attacked by
Jewish settlers near the village of Hawwara near Nablus. The front part
of the
car and its glass were crushed.
- Reuters staff been shot by ZOGang ,
reports the Independent
Journalists' FM Channel on October 17, 2000:
For the second time, the Israeli occupation forces shot at Mahfouzh Abu
Turk, a
photographer of Reuters, wounding him with a rubber-coated metal
bullet in the
hand. This incident took place while Abu Turk was covering clashes
Palestinian civilians and the Jewish occupation forces in Bethlehem after
funeral procession of a Palestinian martyr. Abu Turk was evacuated to
Beit Jala
hospital for treatment and left the hospital on the same day.
-France Press staff been shot by ZOGang ,
reports the Independent
Journalists' FM Channel on October 18, 2000:
Jewish occupation troops shot at Patrick Baz, a photographer of France
wounding him with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the hand. This
incident took
place while he was covering clashes between Palestinian civilians and
the Jewish
occupation forces in Ramallah. Eyewitnesses asserted that Baz was with
photographer and was wearing a helmet and a bulletproof vest, and that
it was
clear that he was a journalist photographing clashes between Palestinian
civilians and the Jewish occupation forces.
- Several Arab journalists been shot by
ZOGang , reports the
Independent Journalists' FM Channel on October 20, 2000:
occupation forces shot at Abdel-Rahman El-Khatib, a photographer of Al-
daily local newspaper, wounding him with a rubber-coated metal bullet in
mouth. This incident took place while El-Khatib was covering clashes
Palestinian civilians and the Israeli occupation forces near a military post
the Israeli occupation forces known as "Al-Nouria," to the west of the
camp of Khan Yunis. El-Khatib informed PCHR that on Friday, October
20, 2000,
while he was photographing clashes between Palestinian civilians and
the Jewish
occupation forces near Neve Dekalim settlement from behind a big
stone, he was
shot with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the mouth by the Jewish
forces. Following this, El-Khatib was evacuated to hospital where
found an injury in the upper lip, and a break in the right part of the upper
Hammed Eghbareya, director of Sawt Al-Haq Walhorreya (the Voice of
Right and
Freedom) in Nazareth, was attacked by Israeli police and border guards
while he
was covering clashes between them and Arab citizens. Jewish troops
shot at
Mahfouzh Abu Turk, a journalist from Jerusalem, wounding him with a
bullet in
the shoulder.
- French journalists been targeted by
ZOGang , reports the Independent
Journalists' FM Channel on October 21, 2000:
Jacques-Marie Bourget, a reporter of Paris Match, was wounded with a
live bullet
in the left lung shot by the Jewish occupation forces, while he was
clashes between these forces and Palestinian civilians in Ramallah.
Bourget was
evacuated to Ramallah governmental hospital in serious condition before
transferred to Paris for treatment. Thierry Esch, a photographer for the
magazine, who was behind Bourget, stated to his magazine that there
was no doubt
that it was Jewish occupation troops that shot Bourget. Patrick Jarnoux,
editor of the same magazine, stated to The Toronto Star, that based on
the place
where Bourget was, no one could hurt him except those who were in
front of him
-- namely, the Jewish occupation troops. Fascist Jewish occupation
troops shot
at Bruno Stephen, an independent photographer of the French Liberation
and the
German Stern, and nearly wounded him in the throat. This incident took
while Stephen was covering clashes. During the same clashes, another
journalists were moderately to seriously wounded. They are: Ibrahim Al-
of Watan Television Channel, who was wounded with a bullet in the ear;
and Jamal
Aarori, a photographer of Al-Ayyam daily local newspaper, who was
wounded with a
rubber-coated metal bullet in the hand.
- Sssociated Preess staff been shot by
ZOGang , reports the
Independent Journalists' FM Channel on October 23, 2000:
occupation forces prevented the access of Nasser Shiokhi, a
correspondent and a
photographer of Associated Press, to the village of Al-Sammoua near
Hebron. He
was attempting to cover clashes taking place at the time between
civilians and the Jewish occupation forces. These forces also
confiscated his
press identity card.
- Jewish criminal settlers attacked
journalists , reports the
Independent Journalists' FM Channel on October 24, 2000:
Jewish provocative settlers near the village of Hawwara in Nablus
attacked the
car of Abdel-Rahman Khbeisa, a photographer of the Associated Press,
with a huge
rock that could easily have killed him. Khbeisa stated that he was
surprised by
a huge stone that weighed about 10 kilograms being thrown at his car
from a blue
Subaru of Jewish settlers. The front of his car and the front glass were
hit. He
miraculously escaped death as he was driving his car at high speed and
the stone
was huge. This incident took place in front of a feed factory at the
entrance of
the village of Hawwara, while Khbeisa was on his way to work.
- Who visited hospital absolutely been
targeted by ZOGang , reports
the Independent Journalists' FM Channel on October 29, 2000:
Zionist occupation troops shot at three journalists who were travelling
by car
to Jericho hospital to see patients who were wounded during clashes
Palestinian civilians and the Zionist occupation forces in the refugee
camp of
Aqbat Jaber near Jericho. They journalists are: 1) Aadel Abu Abu
Naeima, a
correspondent of Al-Ayyam daily local newspaper and Reuters; 2) Fathi
Brahma, a
correspondent of Sawt Fasteen (Voice of Palestine); and 3) Emad Abu
Sonbol, a
correspondent of Al-Hayat Al-Jadida daily local newspaper and France
Press. It
is worth mentioning that none of the above-mentioned journalists were
- CNN staff been shot by the ZOGang ,
reports the Independent
Journalists' FM Channel on October 31, 2000:
The Zionist occupation forces shot at Ben Wedeman, 41 years old, an
and a correspondent of CNN, wounding him with a live bullet in the right
He was evacuated to Shifa' hospital. This incident took place near Al-
(Karni) Outlet, when Wedeman was covering clashes between Palestinian
demonstrators and the Jewish occupation forces. Eyewitnesses asserted
Wedeman was wearing a helmet and a bulletproof vest. They added that
situation in the area was relatively calm, but it escalated when the
occupation forces started to shoot intensively and "walk" tank shells in
direction of Wedeman and other journalists. Wedeman was forced to lie
down to
escape the shooting. A few minutes after the shooting started, and
while he was
trying to stand up with his back opposite to the Jewish occupation
forces, he
was wounded with a live bullet in the right side, and then was
evacuated to
Shifa' hospital.
Two hours earlier, the Zionist occupation forces shot
at Sams
Oudetallah, a cameraman of Reuters, but he was not injured. He ran
from the
area, leaving his equipment behind.
On the same day, the Fascist Jewish
occupation forces arrested
Suleiman Al-Shafe'i, a correspondent of Israeli television channel 2, at
Checkpoint, while he was on his way from Gaza to USrael. Soldiers of
the Jewish
occupation forces informed Al-Shafe'iy that he was in violation of the
orders that prohibited Israeli citizens from entering the occupied
- French journalist been shot by the Fascist
ZOGang , reports the
Independent Journalists' FM Channel on November 9, 2000:
The Fascist Jewish occupation forces shot at French journalist Robers
a correspondent of Associated Press, wounding him with a live bullet in
thigh. He was evacuated to hospital. This incident took place while
Laubrant was
covering clashes between Palestinian civilians and the Jewish occupation
near Al-Tuffah roadblock, between Khan Yunis city and Al-Mawasi
area, under the control of the Jewish occupation forces.
- American journalist targeted by the
ZOGang , reports the Independent
Journalists' FM Channel on November 11, 2000:
The Fascist Jewish occupation forces shot at American journalist Jaula
37 years old, a correspondent of the Associated Press, wounding her
with two
live bullets in the pelvis and the bladder. This incident took place while
was covering clashes between Palestinian civilians and the Jewish
forces in the vicinity of Bilal Ben Rabah mosque in Bethlehem.
On the same day, the car of journalist
Marwan El-Ghoul was shot at for
the second time by the Jewish occupation forces. This incident took
place while
El-Ghoul was covering the burning of a civilian car in which two
civilians were shot dead by the Jewish occupation forces near Al-
junction in Al-Qarara. In his testimony to PCHR, El-Ghoul stated that he
immediately went to the area when he learned about the shooting at a
car by the Jewish occupation forces. He saw Jewish occupation troops
using a
robot to inhumanely pull the bodies of two Palestinian civilians from the
He added that Palestinian citizens in the area started to shout "Allah
(Allah is the greatest) as soon as they saw the inhumane way in which
the Jewish
occupation forces were dealing with the bodies of the Palestinian
Immediately, the Jewish occupation forces shot at Palestinian citizens,
a number of them seriously. At that time, El-Ghouls says he tried to
reach his
car to leave the area. He was about two meters away from his car when
it was
shot at intensively. As a result it was severely damaged.
On the
same day, Samir Khalifa, a correspondent of the Palestinian Television,
and a
staff of accompanying cameramen were evacuated to Shifa' hospital in
Gaza, due
to inhaling tear gas used by the Jewish occupation forces in the area
where the
above-mentioned Palestinian civilians were shot dead. Khalifa and the
staff were
trapped under fire opened up by the Jewish occupation forces.
ZOGang targeted ANN staff , reports the Independent Journalists'
FM Channel on November 16, 2000
- Zionist gang's occupation troops positioned in the vicinity of City Inn in
Ramallah shot at Mohammed Zeid El-Kielani, a cameraman of Arab News
(ANN), wounding him with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the shoulder.
incident took place while El-Kielani was covering clashes between
civilians and the Fascist Jewish occupation forces at the entrance of Al-
- ZOGang
targeted Palestinian Photografer , reports the
Independent Journalists' FM Channel on November 19, 2000:
- Mouaffaq Turki Qassem Mattar, 46 years old, a photographer of
Al-Yawm (Palestine Today) Press in Ramallah, was wounded again, with a
rubber-coated bullet in the head. This incident took place while Mattar
covering clashes in Al-Mentar area to the east of Gaza City, during
which the
Jewish occupation forces shot dead a 14-year-old Palestinian child and
23 Palestinian civilians, including Mattar himself.
condemns such practices by the Jewish occupation forces against local
international journalists. PCHR considers these belligerent actions to be
a part
of the racist practices of the Jewish occupation forces. PCHR stresses
The basic duty
of journalists is to convey facts
honestly, objectively and without bias to any party. Achieving this
requires the
freedom to receive and impart information, without any restrictions that
hinder journalists from carrying out their duty.
Practices of the
Jewish occupation forces against journalists of local and international
agencies are part and parcel of the practices of these forces against
defenseless Palestinian civilians. The practices have caused the deaths
of more
than 210 Palestinians, while wounding thousands more.
In light of
the above, PCHR stresses that practices of the Jewish occupation
forces against
local and international journalists aim at terrifying them, so that they will
stop imparting information and photos of the crimes committed by these
against defenseless Palestinian civilians. They aim at imposing media
on the occupied Palestinian territories in order to pave the way for the
occupation forces to commit more crimes against defenseless Palestinian
civilians. These crimes would be carried out away from the eyes of the
world and
without journalists being able to document them.
Through these
practices, the Jewish occupation forces seek to prevent journalists from
documenting their crimes against defenseless Palestinian civilians in
order to
avoid being condemned by the international community and public
opinion. PCHR
is concerned about such practices because of the serious possibility
that the
Jewish occupation forces might escalate their crimes against defenseless
Palestinian civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories. In this context,
PCHR reminds the international community of the practices of the Jewish
occupation forces in 1982, when these forces isolated the refugee
camps of Sabra
and Shatila and oversaw a ruthless massacre of the Palestinian people;
in cold blood and with collaboration from the Lebanese Al-Kataeb more
than 3,000
defenseless Palestinian civilians in the two refugee camps.
light of the above, PCHR calls on the international community, especially
High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention, to
intervene to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1322/2000, which
calls for
establishing an international commission of inquiry to investigate the
being committed by the Jewish occupation forces against defenseless
civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories.
on the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to
meet their
obligations under the Convention and immediately provide international
protection for the Palestinian people in order to prevent crimes that
could be
committed by the Fascist Zionist occupation forces against defenseless
Palestinian civilians.
- American tax-payers protested White House about the financial
support to the
dictator marionettes , reports the Independent Journalists' FM Channel
Oct.27, 2000
- Is it possible to stop the "Imperialist Media" lies?
Today the Palestinian
people are under attack. Jewish tanks, helicopter gun ships and heavily
troops have surrounded and locked down every Palestinian city and
town in the
West Bank, Gaza and inside the 1948-Israeli borders.
The media consistently
equates the brutal and overwhelming force of the Jewish troops and
settlers with the stones and slingshots of Palestinian youths. Over 100
Palestinians are dead and 3,000 wounded.
The Palestinian uprising
was intentionally provoked three weeks ago by the desecration of the
revered Al
Aksa and Dome of the Rock Mosques by the notorious, right-wing Gen.
Ariel Sharon
accompanied by 1,000 heavily-armed Jewish troops.
The U.S. government
finances this repression by providing $10 to $15 million a day, every day
military and economic aid to USrael-Mafia power. In the name of "peace"
President Clinton has demanded the total capitulation of the
Peace cannot be imposed at the point of a gun. No lasting peace is
without recognizing the the Palestinian demand for an independent state
with its
capital in Qud�s and the right of 5 million Palestinian refugees to return
their homes.
In this hour of
crisis and brutal repression all
progressive peoples, all people of conscience from all nationalities,
ethnic and
religious backgrounds are stepping forward to support the just demands
of the
Palestinians. Those struggling against racism, repression and police
here in the U.S.A. are adding their voices, along with millions fighting
corporate forces of globalization.
- Swedish authorities been corrupted by the Zionist lobbies and a
conference started by the "fatty imbecill dolly, premier Goran PetZion",
the Independent Journalists' FM Channel on Jan. 1, 2001
Under the year 90's the Zionist Collaborators manipulated specially the
Australians and E.U.-members like the Swedish authorities; also the poor
Swedish marionette G�ran Persson had no way out... He signed for lie
propagand matters, gave out a book about the jews under WW II. The
lobbies used
this possibility as a worldwide lie-campaign... under the campain "". This
is the most spread book (!) in Sweden except for the bible. In 90's the
Zionist lobbies formed a holocaust conference in Stockholm and
Stockholm was
formed into a world jewish-lies center for a cople of days. Guess what
that cost
the under class citizens...
The biggest media is all run by jew-capital in Sweden. The daily
both in U.S.A. and E.U. own by the Zionist lobbies... The most famous
who own media are mostly the Jewish capitalists like Bonnier family
shurk-official thief Jan Stenbeck. etc.
- CPJ Mourns Italian Photographer Killed in West Bank Clashes, reports
Independent Journalists' FM Channel on March 13, 2002
CPJ is
shocked and saddened by the death of Italian free-lance photographer
Ciriello, who was killed this morning by Fascist USraeli gunfire in the West
Bank city of Ramallah, according to press reports and eyewitness
Ciriello, 42, who was on assignment for the Italian daily Corriere della
is the first foreign journalist killed while covering the current Palestinian
uprising, which began in September 2000.
The photographer died after being hit by several rounds of machine gun
fire from
the direction of an USraeli tank in Ramallah during USrael's ongoing
offensive in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Amedeo Ricucci of the Italian television station Rai
Uno told CPJ that
he and his cameraman were accompanying Ciriello at the time of the
They were trailing a group of Palestinian gunmen who were some 200
yards in
front of the journalists. Ricucci said the area was quiet and was located
roughly 500 yards to a half mile from a nearby refugee camp where
between Jews and Palestinians was taking place.
The three journalists were standing inside a building off an alleyway,
Shortly afterward, what appeared to be a tank emerged at one end of
the street
some 150 to 200 yards away, he said. Ciriello left the building and
pointed his
camera at the tank. He then came under fire without warning. Ciriello
was shot
six times and died of his wounds soon afterward.
There was at least one Palestinian gunman in Ciriello's vicinity at the
time of
the shooting, according to The Associated Press.
The Italian government has demanded a full investigation into the attack,
according to the AP.
The Zionist Assassisnation Gang, IDF's spokesman was unable to
provide details
about the circumstances of the shooting and claimed to have no
information about
the presence of journalists in Ramallah, which the IDF said was a closed
military area.
The IDF (Insanity Death Forces) added that journalists who entered the
area were
"endangering" themselves and claimed that it was not clear whether
death was caused by Jews or Palestinian gunfire.
Palestinian doctors said the rounds were fired by Fascist Occupational
forces, according to press reports. Ricucci told CPJ that Ciriello's camera
in the hands of Italian authorities. The images it contained could help
determine the source of the firing and the circumstances of the incident.
"It is the responsibility of all sides to ensure the safety of journalists
covering this conflict, and we urge them to do so," said CPJ executive
Ann Cooper. "Whatever the circumstances of this tragic incident, Jews
provide a full accounting of what happened and bring anyone found
guilty of
wrongdoing to justice."
In a separate incident, an Egyptian journalist told CPJ that his car came
Jewish gunfire, also in Ramallah. Reporter Tareq Abdel Jaber of Egyptian
TV said
that he and his cameraman were driving on a main street in Ramallah
when their
car, which was clearly identified as a press vehicle, came under attack
by what
he described as Jewish gunfire.
There was no fighting taking place in the area at the time, Abdel Jaber
Bullets penetrated the car and struck his flak jacket. He was not
hurt. Although Abdel Jaber did not visually identify the shooter, he said
entire area was surrounded by Jewish tanks and military personnel.
According to press reports, finally, a French journalist on the West Bank
wounded in the legs today by gunfire or shrapnel. CPJ has so far been
unable to
identify the journalist or the circumstances of the attack.
- What is that!.. Don't listen to the cowards, please!... Many redacteurs
very rich after 11 September 2001... Why? Yes, it is not a secret deal;
earned well by the boss because of falsifications against the oppressed
all over the world!... You may talk on reality!... What is the reality? Yes,
this freak play shows that Jewish Fascists product mant conspiracies
around of
September 11 provocations... These all are not the true journalists, for
Per Ahlin from Jewish propagand newspapers Dagens Nyheter-Expressen
in SvekJa
Kingdom, Menorah bastards and similarly lie-instruments... These are the
machines only, drives by the Jewish capital and its fabrication staff...
This is
a big massmedial hy pocrisy worldwide, what you witnessed...
- Who are talking so free and without censor on radio?
- Radio
Manchester... They are actually the Independent Journalists and I have
published example on the testimonies...
- Really? You mean?! Published
the cencored testimonies on September 11 Siege?
- Yes! Many things been
published by the Independent Journalists... For example today's talking
programme published by the Independent Journalists' on October 11,
2001 . Here
is a special issue of this Bulletin
- Maybe it'll be funny when we read it here like a theatre... Okay!..
- We are listening to you, dear Olivia Rooney! What is your testimony on
Nine Eleven Provcocation?
- Yes!. It's big cynicist play of Jewish Fascism!.. There are NO SINGLE
in the list of the September 11 VICTIMS... Why?
- Jewish newspapers asking that, too!.. About 4 000 Jewish members of
communities / Synagogues / lobbies etc. stayed at home in the four
cities in
U.S.A. 4 000 Jewish employeer / employee / officers and the "top
secret duty
staff" were on leave when WTC / Pentagon been attacked... About
10.000 regular
workers (including their Jewish chiefs) were not in the tower. That mong
ten thousands were jewish doesn't surpise The Ha'aretz and The New
Yorker Times
- Do you know
how many Jews died under 11 September Siege?
- Nobody as
Jew; No SINGLE Jew; NO ONE of them!
- What is your testimony, dear Thomas Murray?
- I agree with you... The Zionists all the members of Jewish Congress
were aware
on this provocation...
...and Human Butcher SHARON cancelled the Washington Visit just
before Attacks..
- Internet Encyclopedia of Contemporary Revolutionaries informs us
about the
experiences of United Therapeutics Corporation, repoted by the FM
Channel of
Independent Journalists...
- I missed to listen this channell, unfortunately...
- Same
subject, the
medial lies... There are many clever volunteers and many clever
reserchers, who
show us the truth for instance the courageous members at United
Corporation representatives ...
- We have the newest news here... United Therapeutics Corporation
pay attention
about many interesting attacks for example WTC-Pentagon... ...and the
independent workers / unions have many questions around of the
PentagoNY Bloody
Playgrounds: "There were many Jews-Boss in the WTC and many
officers in
Pentagon, yes, no doubt on this fact... It is typical U.S.A. and there are
in the heart in this system: BUT; Dear Comrade; WHO INFORMED THEM,
Jews-lobby members, who are thousands of people, before Sept.11,
before the mass
attacs on the central buildings of system? There is no any person of
those Jews
in the lists of the victims...
- Is it a miracle? What is different by those boss and their lap-dogs,
who are
-absolutely- the famous members of ADL & Zion Wiesenthal Center? Is it
a miracle
of judaic tradition who inform each other before the assasins in the
Mideast, too? Is it a miracle there is NO ANY BOSS / nor any ordinary
members of
Jew fanatical members, who been attacked in Tel Aviv, too?
- Pay attention, please: Many Jews stayed at home ( in whole U.S.A.,
not only
in NY- city... Also, NY is only a piece of U.S.A.; don't forget, please!
you ask N.Y. so it was coounted as 4000 Jews) These persons have
been informed
before the day of mass-attacks both in NY and Washington and in the
many cities
by those jews so-called the supporters of the Zionist Occupational
Gang, whose
relatives occupied Palestine and counts like the selected members of
ADL & Zion
Wiesenthal Falsification Centers!...
- We have a guset here, J. Sibel Blanchard from Miami! She has special
information on the leagues! - Yes!.. I wish ask;
HOW , all 2 500-3 000
high-selected financial overclass persons (many officers/generals of US
citizens) died but there is NO ONE of JEWS BOSS nor oficer /clerk etc. in
LIST??? Surely,there are many persons who immigrated and only their
shouted like Jews but these persons are not contact with Wiesenthal
etc. gangs,
those were for intance the practicians playgirls at any offices and
counts not
"real-Jews at the list of Synagogue" for example Sabetay Levyangil from
Istanbul, this shemale's e-post is: <[email protected]> and
she/he was
only a practician gay-guest playboy by any boss and been invitated to
restaurant there; he/she was not a permanent employer and no boss;
sure, he/she is been scared not so hard but this individual exception
nothing, it is only a "citizen zero according to the Z.O.G.=Zionist
- Just a moment! Shall I add, any mportant facts; Thousands of Jews
stayed at
home in fact before the attacks. Why ADL & Wiesenthal and USrael, such
cynical.-chiefs were in so deeply silence after all the
reactions worldwide? Who informed them??????
- I ask same question!... WHY??????
- This is the big question and big problem nowadays!", comments a
Negro workman
at the fire department!
- Satoru Fujimoto, what is your observation and comment on this Fascist
provocation? - I have any additional
questions... Firstly, I agree with United
Therapeutics Corporation when this organization asked: " WHY the
Human Butcher
SHARON cancelled his Washington Visit just before the September 11
Whole world shouldn't count as foolish idiotics!.. A lot of Jewish
members of
Zionist communities /Synagogues /lobbies etc. stayed at home in the
four cities
in U.S.A. 4 000 Jewish employeer / employee / officers and "top
secret duty
staff" were on leave when WTC /Pentagon been attacked... About 10
000 regular
workers (including their Jewish chiefs) were not in the tower. That mong
ten thousands were jewish doesn't surpise The Ha'artez daily
-Do you know who many Jews died unde 11 September Siege?
-No single one Jew; NO ONE!
- Gabi Zimmermann! Have you additional evidence, you are always close
to the
Jewish leagues...
- Occupational Gang Chief Ariel SHARON should visit Pentagon in
September 2001.
But this Human Butcher cancelled this "high important visiting
-Just before 11 September.
-... ...
-No comment!?
- Patricia Evans has additional information...
- That is right!.. Where were the staff and other members of Mossad
who have the
diplom pass'? Why they didn't open the Consulate General of USrael in
New York
800 2nd Avenue (between 42nd and 43rd St.), New York, NY, 10017
Tel. (212)
499-5000 Fax (212) 499-5465 Who informed them for staying at home
or outside
of NY&Washington? Where were been all those foxy Zionist Jews Boss'
with their
25 000 selected-personnel around of Pentagon&Twin Tower on 11th
Sept. at 9-10
- Michaela Malkin wish talk about same subject...
- You know, dear Comrades; "SHARON has been accused on
Holocaust"... -
Explain, please!
- French Prime Minister
JOSPIN accused: "SHARON is a
murderer and a liar..." - At last Jospin shows his courage meanwhile the
EU-responsibles are sleeping...
- Prime Minister JOSPIN yesterday called
SHARON a "murderer" and "pathological liar" on a Belgian television
-Human Butcher SHARON is a "murderer" and "pathological liar" like all
Fascist Jews. He is not a head of any state because of Mafia is not a
There were some people who expected that he would behave like a
head of state,
but SHARON behaves as the head of Z.O.G. (Zionist Occupational Gang)
traditionalls fanatic fundamentalist Jews.
- JOSPIN's comments come just three days after the E.U.-security
cabinet issued
a statement saying that "the U.S.&USrael alliance and occupational
Mafia in
Mideast are involved in terror, encourage terror and incite to hatred and
A senior official in the Prime Minister's Office attributed the remarks to a
campaign to get the international community, especially the ordinary
citizens, to apply pressure on BUSH jnr. administration.
Swedish Prime Minister Goeran PERSSON said yesterday he plans to visit
at the weekend to discuss with Palestinian leader/President of Palestine
Yassir ARAFAT ways to find peace in the Middle East.
- Swedish premier Goran PERSION spoke after meeting French President
CHIRAC during a tour of European capitals in preparation for the E.U.
"It is planned that I see him [ARAFAT] at the weekend in Qud�s, capital
city of
Palestine" Persson, whose country currently holds the E.U. presidency,
- Diplomatic sources said E.U. foreign policy chief Javier SOLANA was
due to
travel with PERSION for the meeting, which would probably take place
on Sunday.
PERSION said last week the E.U. is ready to play a constructive role in
rebuilding peace between Bush administration and the Palestinians, but
after the Z.O.G. occupation stops.
- I remember, the Jewish newspapers Ha'aretz, The New York Times,
referred that... As usually Swedish Prime lies, he didn't join an active
against the Zionist barbarity...
- Sheila Andersen will add, maybe!
- Of course!.. I would like congratulate them for instance all the
members who
are in solidarity with the ENAR Archive 2001... ENAR is a Belgian Forum
European Network against Racist Fascism prepared the Internet
Encyclopedia of
Contemporary Revolutionaries. This forum informs us about the
experiences of
the United Therapeutics Corporation...
- Not only Europen institutions, dear!.. There are many clever volutaries
Los Angeles, Ohio, Georgia, Florida etc. who are the special selected
guests by
any authorities in U.S.A. for example United Therapeutics Corporation...
- We have had brohures from this NGO... United Therapeutics
representative, settled in Florida, profesionnally expert on the healing
techniques specially on the Military Operations' victims etc. United
Therapeutics Corporation show many interesting attacks for example
- ...and United
Therapeutics Corporation have still any questions
around of the PentagoNY Bloody Playgrounds: Here, for instance
transferred (with
a piece shortly interpretation) by United Therapeutics Corporation's
such "A new Independent Research Culture against Imperialism": "There
were many
Jews-Boss in the WTC and many officers in Pentagon, yes, no doubt on
fact... It is typical U.S.A. and there are Jews in the heart in this
But; same question, but, dear; WHO INFORMED THEM, between 4 000-5
000 Jews
before Sept.11, before the mass attacs on the central buildings of
- Both organizations, United Therapeutics Corporation and ENAR Belgique
right!.. They muust insist to ask!...
- That is right!... Ask eveywhere!... Why the the financial lobbies
support the
Zionists to massacre so systematically worldwide?
- Robert Taylor asks!
- Yes!.. I have same question: WHO INFORMED THEM, between 4 000-5
000 Jews
before Sept.11; before the mass attacs on the central buildings of
- Yes!.. There is no any persons of those Jews in the died lists... Is it
miracle? What is different by those baoos who are -absolutely- the
members of ADL & Zion Wiesenthal Center? Is it miracle of judaic
tradition who
inform each other before the assasins in the occupied Mideast, too? Is it
miracle there is NO ANY BOSS who been attacked in Tel Aviv, too?
- Pay please attention, 4 000 (in whole U.S.A., noy only NY. NY is only
a piece
of U.S.A.; don't forget, please!) Persons been informed before the day of
mass-death both in NY and Washington and in the many cities by those
Jews (the
Zionist Occupational Gang) who support the USraeli occupation as
members of ADL & Zion WIESENTHAL Centers!...
- Charlotte Franklin has any new evoidences...
- Yes, I have... HOW ,
all 2 500- 3 000 high-selected financial middleclass/overclass persons
officers/generals of US citizens) died but there is NO ONE of JEWS
BOSS nor
- Yes there are many persons who
immigrated and only their names shouted like Jews but these persons
are not
contact with Wiesenthal etc. gangs, those were for intance the
playgirls at any offices and counts not "real-Jews at the list of
for example Sabetay Levyangil from Istanbul, he was only a practician
playboy by any boss and been invitated to the restaurant there; he was
not a
permanent employer and no boss; nothing; sure, he is been scared too
but this
individual exception changes nothing, it is only a "citizen zero according
the Z.O.G."...
- ...it's me, again!... Remember please; Important fact; the 4 000 Jews
at home in fact before the attacks. Why ADL&Wiesenthal and USrael,
occupational gangs were in so deeply silence after all the reactions
Who informed them?
...and WHY?
- Z.O.G. means not the "Zionist Occupational Government"; it means
The Zionist
Occupational Gang, like Mafia... More dangerous than Mafia because
Z.O.G. has
nuclear weapon, too! It is not a government because of respect no law,
no any
human rules...
- This is the big question and big problem nowadays!", comments United
Therapeutics Corporation! As United Therapeutics Corporation demands
arrest of
- Jun Yamamoto wish talk on this cruel thriller-play!
- I would like to add ant necessary Sources and support-info, here:
United Therapeutics... - We just talked about this NGO and the useful
- What is basically aim of this NGO?
- United Therapeutics
is engaged in research and development in three major innovative areas
in health
care: genomic-based discoveries of optimally-targeted pharmaceuticals
to treat
vascular disease, including pulmonary arterial hypertension, peripheral
disease and selected other chronic conditions; telemedicine to minimize
difficulties of physical visits with physicians and assure early detection
telemonitoring; and nutriceutical approaches that keep the body fine-
tuned to
minimize the risk of developing diseases.
- Richard Workman has � wonderful suggestion...
- Like suggestion... COMPENSATION recommended... All the victims and
(both in Palestine and U.S.A.) should go to the International Court The
accuse the Jews-fanatics' Mafia Worldwide...
Insist for a suitable COMPENSATION !... Imperialist Boss and Collaborative
Jews,assassination gang must pay!
- I agree with you!.. The Jews must pay compensation to the victims
- September 11 case showed again that the lap-dogs of capitalism don't
like the
true journalists!... - That is right!.. Therefore the Jewish Fascist forces
killing the journalists like Rafaele Ciriello!...
- This FM channel welcomes all critical Clues and Tips aiming to uncover
Criminal Responsibilty for 9/11-related deadly Barbarities, but not
massive/nationalistic accusations, nor grossly misleading claims..
- Yes, it's!.. Freedom of expression is a sacred and much needed Social
but should not risk to be slyly Undermined by uselessly aggressive,
provocative and dangerous ways to present anybody's views.
- So we try to solve a concrete problem in a way hopefully respectful to
Citizens' legitimate opinions, however extreme they might appear to
others. Even
if we shall check, whenever possible, any interesting fact or argument
might include.
- Yes! Therefore we start today second time the discussion team
around of same
subject; Journalists under attack and relations between capitalist
- Thereforum we start today this forum under a new title, " Jewish
around of the September 11 Siege", that we announced only some days
- About this subject and related programmes we received many
responses... For
example a new repoly, an interesting letter accused what it called as a
"Zionist Gang" (NDLR : => :it should mean not all Jews, as many are
opposed or
have other various ideas) to "Occupy" (Palestinian and other) foreign
lands, and
qualified Mr. Sharon as a "Butcher" (probably reference to
- A friend replied here (Aloise) that FM Channel does NOT "take sides" in
Debates about the grave Middle East Conflict, where Horrible things are
place : "Fascist Sharon's policy...is NOT our favourite (the least one
say), but this has nothing to do here. (....) Only we, as staff point
interesting : With a few, targetted exceptions, it seems, indeed, that
all Human Lives tragically lost in the Middle East hideous killings, were
People, both Jews and Palestinians. Even if the latter obviously suffer
more, in fact, both people are victims of an orchestrated policy, one aim
which, is to downgrade the importance and "Uniqueness" of a Human
Life -as the
Priest said during "Teacher Allan"s 11 March 2002 "Lesson" at NY."
- I agree with you!.. Nobody can claim that Middle East Tragedy is
"indifferent", nor that it should be addressed only by Hypocrisy (Not at
all :
Massacers and Destructions are too Horrible), nor necessarily 100%
unrelated to
9/11 : But, as "Aloise" said, : "Facts" or arguments and claims...should be
presented in a serious, clear and sober form. All clues should be explored
carefully checked, but without massive/nationalistic accusations and
- That is right!.. Among our Friends we have also some "Jews"
and "Arabs", and
we think it is dangerous (no "witches-hunt" in 21st century), bad, and
POLITICALLY FALSE to fall into the trap of massive, nationalistic
accusations. I
mean all the Fascists are not the Zionists... But all the Zionists are the
Fascists... This is the difference...
- On 9/11 that message simply repeated a claim already made in the
past by
various others : That, practically "no Jews" were amidst WTC and
Victims, despite the fact that many of them worked there. And obviously
concluded that someone should have Warned them, while leaving all
other people
to be killed. After one year FM has been able to check this claim; yes, it
- In the beginning we have focused towards other, more "factual"
directions, at
the core of 9/11 (WTC strange, deadly implosion, Airplanes' Mystery,
Nationwide and/or Foreign/International Interests, surprising Aggressions
against "FM Channel" and Independent Journalists' Friends, etc).
- But If any listener has some serious and reliable informations to
he/she is welcome...
- However, there is nothing new in that claim... To be fair, that hot-talk
programme added also some more concrete arguments/claims, in this
respect. It
said that, Human Butcher Sharon would have "cancelled a Washington
Visit just
before this provocative Attacks.." We have now detailed Info on that
and it's
true and it does seem very important, at any case...
- ...and there are
ironical details, "Surely, there are many persons who immigrated and
only their
names shouted (!) like Jews but these persons are not contact with
(?) etc. gangs. Those were for intance the practicians playgirls at any
and counts not "real-Jews at the list of Synagogue". For example
Levyangil from Istanbul, he was only a practician guest playboy by any
boss and
been invitated to the restaurant there; he was not a permanent
employer and no
boss; nothing; sure, he is been scared too but.this individual exception
nothing, it is only a "citizen zero"according to the Z.O.G.=Zionist
Gang". We honestly know nothing about these particular points =>
Leave them to
- But ut'is interesting Congress
members awoid of
explain Why Simple People (many Ordered to go and stay there, as
a.o.) were exceptionally Over-represented amidst WTC and Pentagon's
Victims ?
- Yes!... They prefer to accuse Afghan and Iraqi people at the first
Like a ready chorus, without any minimal evidence...
- In conclusion and in a few words : If you want to talk here in "FM
Channel Hot
Talk"s any denunciation about 9/11, you are welcome to do it, even in a
tone. (Afterall it concerns Human Lives and the shape our Society will
But without useless and Jewish lies. => Go straight to Facts and
Arguments, as
well as to what Interests are at stake, in your opinion : That's the best
way to
search and help find the whole Truth !
- Do that, dear listeners!... Welcome!..
- What are
you thinking on the medial corrupt?
- The
corruption of the media?! Well, I'll began with a quote, Friedrich Nietsche
said; "England, the land of consummate cant."
- It's a chance, Nietsche did't know how BBC collaboratre with lobbies!..
- Yes, it's!.. BBC admits it is racially biased; in favour of coloureds...
Do you explain?
- "Newspapers have to sell in order to live, so does commercial T.V That
the British Broadcasting Corporation as the only truly public service
medium in
this country disseminating information, entertainment, and, in the case
of race
relations propaganda. We are unashamed to admit it is what we are
doing." -
Gerry Hines, BBC, Programme Organiser, in Race Today
- An American general despairs; "If the media can create a defeat of our
on the battlefield, they can also eventually defeat the viability of our
In that regard, it may be later than we think." - Gen. William
Washington D.C. 22 April 1978
- Samuel Johnson says; "I am not certain what we should fear more, a
street full
of soldiers who are out to plunder, or a room full of writers who are used
- "I have heard MPs and senior political aficionados complain that if they
to say on BBC what they really think, they would never be invited again,
and not
to be invited again could make a quick end to an aspiring politician's
prospects." - Roy Bramwell, Inter-City Research Centre. Blatant Bias
- Leslie Littlewood, President of the Association of Broadcasting Staffs
addressing the TUC Conference, December, 1970 said that his 13,000
programme and
technical staff were 'a damned sight more to the left than most of the
in the hall."
- Dear Comrades, here is an example on the television lies; "Television
All television lies. It lies persistently, instinctively and by habit. Everyone
involved lies. A culture of mendacity surrounds the medium and those
who work
there live it, breathe it and prosper by it. I know of no area of public
life -
no, not even politics - more saturated by a professional cynicism. If you
want a
word that takes you to the core of it, I would offer 'rigged'. ......... is it
dishonest for the presenter to imply that the pundit in the chair is free to
offer any opinion, when the truth is that 50 pundits were telephoned but
the fellow prepared to offer the requisite opinion was invited?" - Matthew
Parish. British Press Awards Columnist of the Year. Daily Mail, 21st April
- "If you have nothing to fill it (television) with, then turn to blacks and
coloureds... you can always find a sufficient number of blacks who are
only too
glad to get on television." - Reverend Wilfred Wood, Chairman, BBC's
Advisory Committee
- "You tend to find that television does accumulate around it left-of-
people.... and the whole direction of television is left-of-centre." -
Smith, BBC Twenty For Hours, 1970/1971
- America too "There is no such thing as an independent Press in
America, unless
it is in the country towns.. You know it, and I know it. There is not one
of you
who dares to express an honest opinion. If you express an honest
opinion, you
know beforehand it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 a week
keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others
of you
are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should permit honest
opinions to be printed in one issue of my newspaper, like Othello, before
twenty-four hours, my occupation would be gone. The business of the
New York
journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to
fawn at the feet of Mammon; to sell his race and his country for his daily
bread. We are tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are
intellectual prostitutes." - John Swinton, Editor of the New York Tribune,
the New York Press Association, on February 26th 1936
- "A New York firm of publishers recently brought out a book entitled,
Washington Correspondent, in which some extremely interesting
appeared. The author records the answers to a questionnaire placed
several journalists. The question of how far the freedom of a journalist
extended was often laconically answered to the effect that everyone
knew they
had to write what their editors wanted, or that they would be thrown
out of the
editorial departments if they did not write what was wanted. The writer
of the
book, Leo C. Roston, remarks that in a society where freedom is a nice
limited by economic reality, a clear conscience is a luxury restricted to
who have enough money to refuse a compromise at the expense of their
- On the way back to his lodgings Hitler writes: "Some interior voice
urged me
to buy the newspaper (Arbeiterszeitung - The Workman's Journal) paper
in that
tobacco shop, despite my feelings of revulsion, and to read it through.
Doing so
I perceived how the masses are duped by duplicitous reporting.
No means were too base, provided they could be exploited in the
campaign of
slander. These journalists were real virtuosos in the art of twisting facts
presenting them in a deceptive form. The theoretical literature was
intended for
the simpletons of the soi-disant intellectuals belonging to the middle and,
naturally, the upper classes.
The newspaper propaganda was intended for the masses. This probing
into books
and newspapers and studying the teachings of Social-Democracy re-
awakened my
love for my own people.
And thus what at first seemed an impassable chasm became the
occasion of a
closer affection. Having once understood the workings of the colossal
system for
poisoning the popular mind, only a fool could blame the victims of it. -
Hitler. Mein Kampf.
- Wonderful!... The Jews capitalists understand him better and therefore
collaborated with German military authorities against the democratical
opposition and oppressed clsses in communities... Ariel Sharon and his
father never accused Hitler! Sharon was an ordinary thief and wanted
who worked against the democratical institutions, according to the Stasi
documentary... The redacteurs don't want discuss his background;
Why? Because
Sharon did really all the crimes against Human-Being what Hitler never
The Jews propagand machines are very clever to show a false illusion
when you
discuss the true history...
- Yes... It is a form ongoing Cold War, now!...
- I'll add a
short poem;
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw.
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together,
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar.
- Congratulation!..
- Not me, nut T.S Elliot!...
- ?!
- Go on!
- They want it every
way... "Each year advertisers spend
1,000,000,000 in the belief that television can influence human
behaviour. The
television industry enthusiastically agrees with them, but nonetheless
that its programmes of violence do not have any such influence." -
Presidential Commission
- "Even when it cannot (the media) inculcate communist ideas, it can
effectively information and ideas that might undermine the impact of the
Communist Party's efforts." - The New Frontier of War, U.S Department
of Defence
- Pithy comment; "A journalist is a person who scribbles on the back of
advertisements." - Anon
- "The bureaucratic objective is this: If you cannot suppress the news or
control it, then for heaven's sake convert it into a meaningless mass of
gobbledegook." - Roger Tarterian, Editor, United Press International,
March 8
- "You cannot hope to bribe or twist, thank God a British journalist - But
seeing what the man will do, unbribed, there's no occasion to." -
Humbert Wolfe
The Times Read by the people who run the country.
Daily Mirror Read by the people who think they run the country.
Guardian Read by the people who think they should run the country.
Morning Star Read by the people who think we should be run by another
Daily Mail Read by the wives of the people who run the country.
Financial Times Read by the people who own the country.
Daily Express Read by the people who think the country should be run as
it used
to be run.
Daily Telegraph Read by the people who think it still is.
The Sun Read by the people who don't care who runs the country, as
long as she
has got big breasts.
The Jewish
lapdogs propagandists' newspapers DN, Expressen, SvD
read by the Swedish people who believe in all these running news
produced by the
SwekJa Kingdom although the redacteurs have second passes from Tel
- "Newspapers do not give facts, they fool the people regularly." - New
Times, May 16th 1921
- "The newspapers are the dirtiest and filthiest things that ever
happened." -
Bjurstedt Mallory, Chicago Tribune, February 7th 1923
- "Lies come first, and drag along the gullible. Truth limps in long
on the arm of time." - Balthazar Gracian
- "Political correctness is just another way of filtering the truth." - Sir
Peter Hall, Theatre Director.
- Top British columnist; "This is, in theory still a free country, but our
politically correct, censorious times are such that many of us tremble to
vent to perfectly acceptable views for fear of condemnation. Freedom
of speech
is thereby imperilled, big questions go undebated, and great lies become
accepted, unequivocally as great truths."- Simon Heffer, Daily Mail, June
- I'll read a short poem;
Here's freedom to him who would speak
Here's freedom to him who would write,
For there's none ever feared that the truth should be heard,
Except he who the truth would indict.
- Bravo!..
- Not me, but Robert Burns!..
- ?!
- I agree with you!.. The Jews must pay compensation to the victims
- To the journalits, too!.. Comrade Rafaele Ciriello has been murdered by
Zionist forces but all these journalists' relatives too struggle already for
justify world! Imperialism can not masssacre whole world!
- I don't know!
- ?!
- Secomnd medial lie; the Jewish journalists spread lies on "Arab
but there were no such terrorists in the machens which collapsed to the
Yes, it collapsed but Mohammad Atta wasn't there and he necer
interested in
terror, in his private live... He bought a new car and had wonderful
projects on
next days... And he called to home on 12 September... After a day,
means after
dying?! Understand? Maybe he was never flight but disappeared, nobody
that, too!...
- Oh, no!..
- Third lie; "a third plane crashed to Pentagon" said the lie-machines...
is the airplane?... There was no one airplane on Pentagon...
- But we saw the photos of Pentagon...
- Yes, look at the photos; here... There is no minimal piece here... Lie!..
is mystical and the responsible still lying on the true reasons... Maybe a
and a coup probe... They know best, who still in silence...
- Many journalists wrote similar lies all over the world... How can all
Zionist journalist (!!!) friends can know same reasons so correct and just
before the official authorities agreed...for instance in Scandinavia a
shurk, a
famous Zionist megaphone psycopat Per Ahlmark wrote that Mohammad
Atta and
other Arabs drrove airplane... Even today I can not know who were the
best friends and "curriculum vitae", how can Per Ahlmark, Per Ahlin and
Synagogue-propagand section know so better although all these chirps
naturally outside of plane, outside of this area and what these faxed to
newspapers been published even in Tel Aviv and everything - everything
what such
Jews wrote, point after point been accepted like a holy reality, it
never and not a minimal letter corrected on these articles... Think, he
was in
Scandinavia but other Jewish redacteurs in Australia wrote similar
published exavctlky in same time... Perhaps they think all the peoples are
stupid or these stupids plannned many cruelities what we still not aware
on such
plays and they laughing on backstage?! Look at these Australian and
newspapers; similarly headlines, same date, same articles but different
and they never want to write the reasons on the airplane, which been
shot down
in Pennsylvania... Look at these pages, please!
- Oh, my Gud, we have been betrayed like simply silly dolls?!
- This is the question!
- ?!
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