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Re: [oc] Operating system for 6811

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Moran" <jtmoran@m... > 
To: <cores@o... > 
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 01:19:50 -0700 
Subject: [oc] Operating system for 6811 

> I've been trying to find an operating system with the
> smallest  possible  footprint for the Motorola 68HC11XX (6811). 
Bah :-)

> I'd prefer linux

Why in heavens name?  For a 6811?!?

> but  at  this point, I'd start trying anything. 

Shoot, just code an event loop;  set up a few interrupt handlers as needed
for your application and voila!   No messy licensing or weeks of obsessing
over selecting the "right RTOS".
I've been down the heavyweight RTOS path with nearly every player
in the market.   Much of the time doing that was wasted.  In retrospect
each of those applications could have done without the RTOS.

I'm back to "old-school" for nearly everything embedded these days...
down and dirty on bare metal.

For our rewards we obtain far less complexity, complete control over
the execution path and ALL the source code ;-)


Jerry Hicks
[email protected]
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