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Re: [oc] UART16550 core
Sorry, no VHDL available. You can post an email to the opencores mailing list
or directly tp the Carl Van Schaik.
Best regards,
On 10/1/2002, "[email protected]" <[email protected]> wrote:
>I would very much like to get a copy of your VHDL version of the 16550
>Uart. We would like to use it in a project that we are working on. Would
>it be possible to get the source for that. I would appreciated it.
>Thank you,
>Danny Dresdner
>[email protected]
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Carl van Schaik" <carl@o... >
>To: <cores@o... >
>Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 08:04:19 +0200
>Subject: Re: [oc] UART16550 core
>> Hi Igor,
>> > so if I understand correctly, there are two versions, one in
>> Verilog that
>> > was downloaded
>> > from the opencores and one in VHDL that you wrote (perhaps
>> opencores files
>> > translated to
>> > VHDL and than changed).
>> This is correct except that the Verilog was not simply converted to
>> VHDL.
>> I have written UART's before and used the Verilog code mainly as an
>> example
>> for my own code for the 16550.
>> > I don't know which ones to take for testing. I'm a verilog
>> guy, not VHDL,
>> > although I would
>> > take the VHDL files if they contain less bugs than the ones in
>> verilog.
>> Well, from what I saw, the Verilog version has a few bugs. The main
>> ones I
>> noticed are:
>> FIFO - not cleared when data is popped out(empty). - Error bits
>> could remain
>> Break detection looked a bit weird (but I'm not a Verilog person)
>> Stop_bits signal in LCR(Line control register) is not used.
>> Only 16550 mode is supported, not 16540.
>> Break error is not passed through the FIFO!
>> Reciever will continue to recieve (0's) after a break is detected.
>> > Can you tell me if I'm correct about the differences.
>> >
>> > In the meantime I'll start with the Verilog files.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Igor
>> regards
>> Carl
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