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Re: [oc] RS232 VHDL help

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 15:52, [email protected] wrote:
> I'm currently working on the Vhdl for Xilinx's FPGA.  The output is
> characters which will be sent to RS232 port.  The chip's frequency is
> 11.05 Mhz. Since it's (9600,8,N,1),  I tried to use a counter that
> count to 1151(11.05MHz/9600 = 1151) and then output a 'high' in order
> to generate 9600 baud rate.  However, what I got is always junks.
> In vhdl, I use Wait on clk9600 = '1' to send one bit at a time and I
> used for ten times because its total is ten bits(start +data+ stop
> bit). Is this the correct way to do this? And also, there are only
> (transmit,receive and ground pins going through rs232 com1 port)
> I need some help as soon as possible.  Any help is appreciated.
> Could anybody give me some suggestions to code this program.

Look at some available projects:

I believe miniuart is in VHDL, or if you can read Verilog code, try SASC.


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