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Re: [oc] fastest fft
On Thursday 17 October 2002 06:37, Rudolf Usselmann wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 October 2002 12:10, [email protected] wrote:
> > I have patent pending FFT architecture which is the fastest.
> > No faster FFT possible - minimum latency, minimal & fast HW, one data
> > output per clock. It's an innovation !
> > Please contact me if anyone is interested.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> > Seung
> Don't you think there are already enough pattents ? These days
> you can't breath anymore without violating a pattent. How about
> donating your architecture to open core and the open comunity ?
I have a better idea -- this concept is common for standards and is usually
very suitable for patent owner due to the promotion:
Why not allow to use your FFT core with OC cores, and write that this core
covers your patent. There should be the note, that you should be notified,
when implementing the core and as long it is a part of OC project it is
license free.
With the large number of competing FFT cores, yours would gain popularity and
companies, which don't like OC model would implement your solution while
having to pay royalties.
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