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Re: [oc] New! FFT core
> After me, may be John can can do a final round of editing ? ;*)
Did someone say my name? Does 'John' refer to me?
If so, I don't mind doing an edit. My FFT core has been at a stand still
for ages now, so if I can make a contribution by doing some editing, I'm glad to.
A corrected version of the text from the document cfft/cfft_e.pdf is appended to this email.
1. Description
CFFT is a radix-4 fast Fourier transform (FFT) core with configurable data width and
a configurable number of sample points in the FFT.
Twiddle factors are implemented using the CORDIC algorithm, causing the gain of the
CFFT core to be different from the standard FFT algorithm. This variation in gain
is not important for orthogonal frequency division modulation (OFDM) and demodulation.
The gain can be corrected, to that of a conventional FFT, by applying a constant
multiplying factor. The input to the FFT is naturally ordered {editor's note: have I
interpreted this correctly?} while the output of the FFT is bit reversed,
2. Theory of Operation
The reader is referred to one of the many explanations given in common textbooks.
{editor's note: provide reference}
3. Block Diagram
4. Timing
5. Miscellaneous
a. Gain
Points Standard FFT CFFT Standard IFFT CFFT(inverse)
256 1 0.0698 1/256 17.9
1024 1 0.0287 1/1024 29.4
4096 1 0.0118 1/4096 48.2742
b. Output Order
The output sequence is bit reversed. For example, the 789th (1100010101(base 2)) output
of a 1024 point FFT corresponds to a normalised frequency of 675/1024 (1010100011(base 2)).
c. Synthesis
This core can be synthesized using Synplify70. It can be placed and routed using Xilinx ISE4.1.
A 1024 point FFT, with a 12 bit I/Q input can be fitted into an XCV50E-6 and runs at a
clock speed of 90MHz.
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