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Re: [oc] Project suggestion: RFID tag reader

On Sunday 17 November 2002 19:54, John Dalton wrote:
> Here is a suggestion for a project:
> A reader for Auto-ID RF identification tags:
> http://www.autoidcenter.org/
> As I understand it, auto-ID will be replacing the
> barcodes you see on practically everything you
> purchase.   The main differences to a barcode are:
> 1) You can't read the number without a reader.
> 2) Individual items will be coded with unique numbers.
>    With barcodes, all packets of "brand X" washing
>    powder are marked with the same number.  With RFID
>    tags, each packet carries a unique number.  If you
>    are carrying that packet of washing powder (or wearing
>    clothes), it will be possible to track your movements.
> 3) RFID codes can potentially be read over longer distances
>    than barcodes can (ultimately by satellite???).

Holly sh... !!!  I think what we really need is a RFID Jammer ! I'm
not exactly thrilled by haveing any government agency (specially
a foreign one) being able to track my movements.
But than, aren't these things powered by the reader ? I guess
they would have to Emmit some sort of energy beam from low
orbit to activate a particular (or all) RFIDs in an area ...
Scary though ...

> Giving ordinary people the means to read and detect RFID
> tags has substantial implications for freedom.  Would
> yllow you to be tracked wou buy products that aithout
> your knowledge, since you cannot be sure if they contain
> an RFID tag?

Good, point ! Let build it ! You know where the specs are ?!
Any analog guys who can do the analog front end ? I can
help with all the digital stuff ...

> Regards
> John

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