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RE: [oc] New! FFT core, transform gain issue

Thanks for your answers concerning the FFT gain.
I still think the documentation has an error in the table concerning the
The IFFT "this one" collumn should read 0.0287 and the FFT "this one" should
read 29.4
for the 1024 point. Its the revers in the version ive got. Or have I still 
not understood it?


As requested by Saumil Merchant: below is the testbench I have used in my
-- Simple "testbench" for cfft1024x12. It is realy just an excitation of
-- The output has to be evaluated manually. run for 125 us with current
-- Input is a dual sinsoid with constant amplitudes, and a DC value. 
-- Input is real valued only. A calculation of the power spectrum, and a
frequency bin
-- counter is included, but no reordering of output sequence is performed.
-- Frequencies are easy to select such that a minimum of spill into side
bins is obtained.
-- Beware of the posibilty of saturation in the output. For single sinsoide,
the saturation limit
-- is 2^14/29.4=557 units of input amplitude. Is it lower if more
frequencies plus DC are involved?
-- Not clear excactly how to determine what the limit will be in this case,
but in order to
-- efficiently use the core this issue has to be clarified. Using an ADC of
12 bit with
-- full scale input would therefore not be appropriate!
-- For 12 bit ADC, and guarantee agains saturation the output should be able
to hold
-- the input multiplied by the gain of 29.4. Therefore the input width is
-- Wfft_in= ceiling(log2(29.4*2^Wadc))-2 = ceiling(log2(29.4*4096))-2=15 or
-- in general 3 bits more than the ADC bit width. Wrong or right? 
-- henning larsen
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
USE ieee.math_real.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_signed.all;

ENTITY cfft1024x12_tester1 IS
END cfft1024x12_tester1 ;
ARCHITECTURE tester OF cfft1024x12_tester1 IS
   -- Component Declarations
   COMPONENT cfft1024X12
   PORT (
      clk       : IN     STD_LOGIC ;
      rst       : IN     STD_LOGIC ;
      start     : IN     STD_LOGIC ;
      inv       : IN     std_logic ;
      Iin       : IN     STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 DOWNTO 0);
      Qin       : IN     STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 DOWNTO 0);
      inputbusy : OUT    STD_LOGIC ;
      outdataen : OUT    STD_LOGIC ;
      Iout      : OUT    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (13 DOWNTO 0);
      Qout      : OUT    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (13 DOWNTO 0)

	constant Tck_half : time:=10 ns;
	constant Tckhalf : real:=10.0e-9;-- real value eqv of time, there is
some conversion function
					-- for this but could not
	constant ampl1 : real:=100.0;-- max amplitude is roughly
550=2^14/29.4 to avoid sturation in output
	constant ampl2 : real:=200.0; -- .. but see intro comments
	constant f1 : real := 100.0/TckHalf/2.0/1024.0;-- bin number =100
	constant f2 : real := 33.0/TckHalf/2.0/1024.0;-- bin number =33
	constant dc : real:=100.0;--bin number=0

	signal   c1,c2,cout: real; 	
	signal 	clock : std_logic:='0';
	signal 	reset : std_logic:='0';
	signal 	start : std_logic:='0';
      	signal	inv       : 	std_logic ;
      	signal	Iin       :   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 DOWNTO 0);
      	signal	Qin       :   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 DOWNTO 0);
      	signal	inputbusy :   STD_LOGIC:='0' ;
      	signal	outdataen :   STD_LOGIC:='0' ;
      	signal 	Iout      :   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (13 DOWNTO 0);
      	signal	Qout      :   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (13 DOWNTO 0);
 	signal  amp : real; -- power spectrum	
     	signal	bitRev    :   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (9 DOWNTO 0);-- bin counter

   -- Instance port mappings.
   I0 : cfft1024X12
      PORT MAP (
         clk       => clock,
         rst       => reset,
         start     => start,
         inv       => inv,
         Iin       => Iin,
         Qin       => Qin,
         inputbusy => inputbusy,
         outdataen => outdataen,
         Iout      => Iout,
         Qout      => Qout

-- control signals ,setup
clock <= not clock after Tck_half;
reset <= '1', '0' after 2*Tck_half;
start <= '0', '1' after 3*Tck_half, '0' after 5*Tck_half;-- only one FFT is
inv <= '0';-- FFT

sin_gen: process(clock, reset)	      
	variable tid : real;
	variable TM : real :=0.0 ;
		if Reset = '1' then
			c1 <= 0.0;
			c2 <= 0.0;
			Iin<="000000000000" ;
			Qin<="000000000000" ;
			TM := 0.0;
			tid := TM;
			if clock'event and clock = '1' then
				TM := TM + Tckhalf*2.0;
				tid := TM;
				c1 <= (ampl1 * sin(2.0*math_pi*f1*tid));
				c2 <= (ampl2 * sin(2.0*math_pi*f2*tid));
				cout <=  c1+c2+dc;
				Iin <=
				Qin <="000000000000" ;
			end if;
		end if;
	end process sin_gen;
--Output power spectrum, normalized with the gain of 29.4
amp <= sqrt(real(CONV_integer(Iout)) * real(CONV_integer(Iout)) 
		+ real(CONV_integer(Qout)) * real(CONV_integer(Qout)))/29.4;
-- radix 4 bit reversed counter
radix4cnt: process (clock)
variable cntr: std_logic_vector ( 9 downto 0);
	if rising_edge(clock) then
		if outdataen='1' then
			cntr:=(others => '0');
		end if;
		for k in 1 to ((10) / 2) loop  
			bitRev(2*k-2)<= cntr(10-2*k);
			bitRev(2*k-1)<= cntr(10-(-1+2*k));
		end loop;
	end if;
end process radix4cnt;

END tester;

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: 20. november 2002 09:02
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: [oc] New! FFT core, transform gain issue
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: h.larsen@r...  
> To: cores@o...  
> Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 16:56:37 +0100 
> Subject: [oc] New! FFT core, transform gain issue 
> > 
> > 
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > I have tested the cfft core, but found that the gain is 29.4 both 
> > in N=1024 
> > FFT and IFFT, whereas the documentation says it should be 0.0287 
> in 
> > FFT 
> > mode, and 29.4 in IFFT mode. 
> 0.0287=29.4/1024,
> In Matlab, the ifft pocess divide N. (:
> > 
> > I simply supply a real ampliude of a sine wave to the input of the 
> > cfft1024X12: Something like-> 
> > Iin=A*sin(2pi*F*t) + DC; 
> > Qin=0; 
> > 
> > and measure the output amplitude (FFT or IFFT, no difference, 
> > except to 
> > phase of output). It gives a peak at bin 0 of DC*29.4 and two peaks 
> > at the 
> > proper bins with an amplitude of 14.7*A each, which makes sense 
> > only if the 
> > gain is 29.4=14.7*2 (two bins). 
> > 
> > Anybody who have tried similar things? 
> > 
> > In particular a comment from the briliant designer ZHAO Ming would 
> > be very 
> > welcome. 
> > 
> > regards 
> > henning larsen 
> > Electronics des. engineer 
> > Risoe national laboratory 
> > Denmark 
> > 
> --
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