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RE: [oc] verilog2vhdl for Linux

I could never find this on the web, so I ordered the open cores CD which has
I will be happy to send it to anyone who needs it.

Wilbur Harvey - Engineer
Spirent Communications Inc., www.adtech-inc.com
First Hawaiian Center, 999 Bishop St.. Suite 2700
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: +1 (808) 440 3494, +1 (808) 440 3363 (Direct)
email: [email protected]

		-----Original Message-----
		From: Ho, Wen Jei x4297 [mailto:[email protected]] 
		Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 8:31 AM
		To: '[email protected]'
		Subject: RE: [oc] verilog2vhdl for Linux


		Could you tell me how to download verilog2vhdl ?
		Couldn't find www.ic.berkley.eu <http://www.ic.berkley.eu> 

		Thanks, Wen

				-----Original Message-----
[email protected]@ROCKWELLCOLLINS On Behalf Of Matthias Fuchs
<[email protected]>
				Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 7:10 AM
				To: [email protected]
				Subject: [oc] verilog2vhdl for Linux


				I downloaded verilog2vhdl from the
ic.berkley.eu ftp server.
				Did anybody get this source compiled under


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