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RE: [oc] using quartus with opencores

In principle you should be able to import the vhdl code directly into the quartus tool, and compile the top level It will by itself see the sub files, if they are in same dir. I tried this with cfft, and aprt from some library ref to synplify it worked almost( except it did not recognize the ram to be a ram but implemeted it as registers=huge useless chip was result). There are a few details to setup in quartus, such as the name of the project, and the toplevel file. There is a wizard to create new project with. Use the tutorial and the help files to guide you through the process, but its all prety simple. I do recommend though that you make a small "Hello world" design to rule out problems with you quartus setup. Then, when this is running, jump onto the real core. Give it a try
good luck,
but dont forget the help files and tutorials. They are improving the luck.
-----Original Message-----
From: leire [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 29. november 2002 15:01
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [oc] using quartus with opencores

i just wanted somebody to had done it to guide me through the steps, because i�m new in it. i wanted to know that first i download the vhdl code, and then? shoul I  take a block tool and give it the same inputs and outputs as in the design, compile it and that�s all? or have to do something else?
thanks for your interest, leire
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 12:55 PM
Subject: RE: [oc] using quartus with opencores

I have used altera quartus for many things, but not apex, and nor with opencores (yet). But I see no reason why it shouldnt be posible to make this mixing. It supports VHDL and verilog. You know of their free, but slightly limited web edition? Maybe it supports the Apex you are requesting. Not sure if this answers your question.
-----Original Message-----
From: leire [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 27. november 2002 14:59
To: [email protected]
Subject: [oc] using quartus with opencores

Has any of you implemented any opencore in an Apex of altera using Quartus?
Thank you