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Re: [oc] Beyond Transmeta...
There are quite a lot of bit streaming techiniques in use, look at a
delta-sigma , or the ancient MILDAP which was a 1 bit array processor
using SIMD, I think bit streaming operations is most usefull for SIMD, (
IMHO ), since it's the multiply/divide algorithms that are really hard
to do.
For fast addition you can get O(1) addition of N bit's if you switch
to tertiary base ( -1, 0 , 1 ) .. and the log N multiplication that
follows on that. However, the conversion to binary from this format adds
log N in time complexity ( carry propagation ).
I think you bring up the real interesting thing, which is latency !
Which tends to complicate all bright ideas.
/ regards, Lars Segerlund.
Rudolf Usselmann wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 00:54, Jim Dempsey wrote:
> ...
>>Does anyone get paid to think about this? Give me a call please.
> Last time I got paid for something (remotely) similar was a
> gig in 1995 for Synopsys. It was a true 256 bit processor that
> serialized operations over many "time slots" to work on very
> large vectors.
>>Jim Dempsey
> Cheers,
> rudi
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