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Re: [oc] Beyond Transmeta...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lars Segerlund" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: [oc] Beyond Transmeta...

>   Brains consume about 300 Watt's of power on standby, and somwhere
> around 1500+ Watt's at full 'power', the wrinkels on the human brain are
> cooling fins, and the brain has a rather elaborate cooling system, also
> it uses more than 7 'neurons' for each bit it represents and more in the
> interconnect, I don't think it has got a low power consumtion at it's
> rated operating frequency of around 100 Hz. Furthermore, it's stressed
> to the limit most of the time it's operating, it does seem to have
> someting better than a alfa-beta prunin though as it still manages to
> function :-).
Brains use chemical interactions within a scaffold built biologicaly with
Transistors, as used today, are built differently. If 7 transistors were
to store each bit, and the routing required nn-transistors, and each
consumed xx pico Watt then you could compute the power consumption
at a clock rate of 1GHz. (for a given size of die). Think of a brain
at a frequency 100 million times faster and with as many interconnections
as you wished to build.

Jim Dempsey

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