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Re: [oc] CAN core finished
it is very kind of you to do that .
i met a problem here, i lost my logn name ,but my
email address is valid. can you help me ?
thank you very much!
--- "Igor Mohor(opencores)" <[email protected]>
wrote: > Hi, guys and girls.
> I have finished the CAN core in Verilog. It is
> available here:
> http://www.opencores.org/projects/can/
> There is a small test bench which is not finished,
> yet. Feel free to
> write (continue) works on the test bench.
> I�m currently adding some additional registers to
> the CAN core (for
> status, IRQ, etc.). However the core can already be
> tested in HW.
> Feel free to contact me for more information.
> Best regards,
> Igor
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