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RE: [oc] Altera flex 10k board
I will post the schematics of my SBC_ALT on my web-page by the end of this
This board uses an Altera Acex 30k device. It fits perfectly together with
the CPU-board to form a small system.
www.redetronics.be --> Products
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
Behalf Of H�ctor Or�n Mart�nez
Sent: woensdag 26 februari 2003 20:12
To: Lars Segerlund
Subject: Re: [oc] Altera flex 10k board
Estimado Lars,
Con fecha martes, 25 de febrero de 2003, 16:39:12, escribi�:
LS> Does anybody know of a flex 10k board ( free ) which I can build in
LS> order to experiment a bit ?
I am working on a project for Altera APEX and ACEX for free for opencores,
might need some help on design as i am not a guru. :P
The only board i have ever seen with flex 10k is Altera's evaluation
board, i
think schematics don't come with it, but if i get them i mail them to you.
LS> I am looking for a board with a jtag on it but not much more, simply a
LS> board to verify that i can download and run bitstreams in it.
LS> I have looked like man on google and different fpga sites, but I don't
LS> seem to be able to find a flex10k reference desing ..
Design your own :P
LS> thanks / Lars.
LS> --
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H�ctor Or�n mailto:[email protected]
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