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Re: [oc] Async reset: active high or active low?

Active low signal are to avoid potential problem at power up. So when the power goes up, the chip are protected because the reset is at zero.

For sync/async reset,where i work we use async set (known state before the establishing of the clock) and sync release (to avoid metastability). 

Nicolas Boulay

Allan Herriman <[email protected]> a �crit :

> Hi,
>    I'm readying a core for publication on opencores, so I thought I'd 
> better check it against the opencores coding standards (since I usually 
> write against a proprietary internal coding standard).
> I found there were a few contradictory coding standards documents on the 
> opencores web site.  In particular, I found one saying that the async 
> reset signal should be active high, and another saying it should be 
> active low.  I found one that said it should be active high, then gave 
> some example code with an active low reset.
> (The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.)
> So I thought I'd look at some code in some projects.  You guessed it, a 
> mixture of active high and active low.  (My sample was very small, so I 
> may have missed the trend.)
> I realise that the actual polarity doesn't matter that much (since it 
> can be inverted in the instantiation), but which is the "right" way to 
> do it from the opencores perspective?  Active high or active low?
> BTW, my vote's for active high signals wherever possible.
> Thanks,
> Allan.
> -- 
> Allan Herriman
> Advanced Networks Division    +61 3 9210 5527 Tel
> Agilent Technologies, Inc.    +61 3 9210 5550 Fax
> 347 Burwood Highway  Forest Hill 3131 Australia
> --
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