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Re: [oc] Inquiry
On Wed, 2003-05-07 at 04:37, [email protected] wrote:
> What about making OpenCores a non profit business
> that chages Corp's, etc a nominal fee. That fee could
> be used for verification, etc. That would raise the
> perceived value of the product you offer.
> Commercial grade standards could be generated and
> applied to the IP. You could give companies a "credit"
> for doing this service after they return the IP to
> opencores. That would be an incentive to improve the
> quality of the offerings. Others, particularily DV
> oriented firms, might donate time and equipt/software
> to the cause.
Actually, I must disagree, Bill. I think the problem with
OC is in the discipline of OC management not the lack of
contributions and salaries. I believe many companies(commercial
users) get a bad impression because the first few cores they
visit are incomplete and have been in a 'limbo' state for a
long time. Some cores that are marked as 'done' are also more
or less half-ass jobs, lacking important items like documentation.
Unfortunately there is no process for monitoring quality and
ensuring that a project indeed is complete. I believe that
until some sort of Quality Control is in place, OpenCores
image will remain mostly negative.
Once OpenCores image can be risen to that of a commercial IP
supplier, we will have a bountiful supply of people willing
to help on projects.
> You might even be able to offer salaries to some of
> your contributors. In todays business climate, that is no
> small item. Additionally, you might be able to accelerate
> development on new projects by taking advantage of the
> unemployed engineer. Right now, US Engineering Unemployment
> runs at 10%, with some states pushing 15%+.
> ditt
> ditt
Best Regards,
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