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Re: [oc] Inquiry
> BUT, FSF/GNU is against the concept that software engineers need food on the
> table, and says; If you link your code into GNU developed software, you have
> to give your software away as well. That is not FREEDOM, that is SLAVERY!!
Uhm. Who is forcing you to link to GPLed software?
If you do use GPLed parts, that is a choice you make. Unlike using
commercial components, this choice does not require you to pay anyone.
Instead it requires you to contribute your additions to the increasing
pool of GPL software.
If that does not work for you, simply don't use the GPLed components.
The GPL is not about your freedom as a developer, it is about the
freedom of whomever receives the software that is derived from the
GPLed parts.
The person(s) who wrote the GPLed code did not want you to be able
to remove the freedom of any future recipient to use the software
for any purpose, to modify it, to give it away, etc.
By the way, you are allowed to charge for GPLed software (even if
you didn't write it). But you can't stop the buyer from giving it
away (or selling it, for that matter).
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