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Re: [oc] Automatic Core Metrics and Documentation

Tom Hawkins wrote:
> On Monday 12 May 2003 06:16 pm, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
>>The beauty of XML is that you can aggregate (merge) documents,
>>without loosing track of what is what.
> Can you give me an example of what you mean by this, and how it would 
> relate to OC?  I'm by no means an XML expert.

I can't speak for Niclas, but it seems that you have already described a 
similar form of aggregation-- your example has metadata (which would 
conform to the work-in-progress core DTD) and documentation (not 
necessarily described in the core DTD) all in one document.

By using appropriate namespace declarations, your documentation does not 
necessarily have to conform to the same DTD as the metadata. This way, 
people can experiment with different DTDs for their documentation 
without ambiguity as to what format they are using (DocBook, subset of 
(X)HTML, whatever).

Charles Lepple <[email protected]>

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