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Re: [oc] Inquiry

I didn't understand why all the previous as been send one more time? Is there a problem with the ml server ?

Niclas Hedhman <[email protected]> a �crit :

> On Thursday 15 May 2003 10:14 pm, Joachim Str�mbergson wrote:
> > What has been discussed here though is that this might/will
> > dampen the adoption of OC in the industry. 
> Exactly, the religious "beliefs" aside, the core of the original post was;
> How to improve the adoptions of OpenCores in commercial companies?

The real question is how to improve the use of "libre" core (free, in the sense of FSF, not "no cost") by compagnies. I just look at what append in the software world. I don't think that we don't need to weaked the protection.

> And my stand is, the commercial interests use their GPL freedom of NOT USE, 
> since they don't want to (for whatever reasons) contribute back.

But if they produice BSD code, but sell some modified part of the code. An other compagny could reused the BSD code and also sell the modification but the first compagny could not have the improvement back.

> So if a higher adoption rate is wanted, I suggest a less demanding (in terms
> of contributions back) license, or better yet, more than one license for each
> project, suiting everyone's taste.

Maybe the answer is to propose 2 kinds of licence on the web site. One BSD like, the other GPL like. So everybody will be happy :)


> Niclas
> --
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