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Re: [oc] Verilog coding style for Open Cores-RTL - Case in point SHA1
Heya !
There is a document that tries to address exactly this issue. It is called
OpenCores Coding Guidelines. It might not have all the information (it is a
working document so all contributions that make sense are welcome) but I
think it is a good starting point. PDF is available here:
Also see FAQ
#4.3 Does OpenCores have any coding and interface guidelines?
The OpenCores coding guidelines are available at
es.pdf. Also have a look at some of the compliant cores, such as the
'wishbone' and 'common' cores.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joachim Str�mbergson" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 9:24 AM
Subject: [oc] Verilog coding style for Open Cores-RTL - Case in point SHA1
> Aloha!
> I've looked through quite a few of the available cores and one thing that
> stands out is quite clearly is the huge difference in coding style between
> cores. This is obviously natural since everybody and their sister have
> own ideas, fads and religious beliefs when it comes to writing code. I'm
> an exception.
> But, since there are discussions on this list about how to get bigger
> f�r Open Cores in the industry [1]. Apart from the never ending licensing
> issues, there are some good ideas about documentation and qualification.
> very good.
> I therefore think that some sort of recommendations in terms of coding
> is highly appropriate. Ther is a document for this regarding VHDL. But for
> Verilog there is no similar document. If there is an interest for it, I
> be prepared to "show us the code" and convert/adapt and write preliminary
> design recommendations.
> One specific thing in Verilog is the (mis)use of the delay operator "#".
> are several cores with RTL code that contains this operator. Trust me,
this is
> very wrong. Case in point, the SHA1 core by Paul Hartke. In the top level
> entity, you can see:
> // State Elements...
> dffhr #(7) rnd_cnt_reg (.d(rnd_cnt_d), .q(rnd_cnt_q),
> .clk(clk), .r(reset));
> dffhr #(2) state_reg (.d(next_state), .q(state),
> .clk(clk), .r(reset));
> dffhr #(512) w_reg (.d(w_d), .q(w_q), .clk(clk), .r(reset));
> dffhr #(160) cv_reg (.d(cv_d), .q(cv_q), .clk(clk), .r(reset));
> dffhr #(160) rnd_reg (.d(rnd_d), .q(rnd_q), .clk(clk), .r(reset));
> dffhr #(160) cv_next_reg (.d(cv_next_d), .q(cv_next_q),
> .clk(clk), .r(reset));
> All synthesis tools will produce warning about "#" not being a
> operator. Some, Altera Quartus-II will choke. None of them will generate
> hardware that have been generated due to the "#" operator.
> Let me restate this so it's totally clear: If you use "#" in the RTL to
get a
> specific behaviour during simulation, then you can be dead certain that
> real life behaviour of the generated HW will have a different behaviour.
> "#" belongs in the testbench and specific simulations models only. Period.
> There are quite a few in industry writing code like this too (I've seen
> but this is one thing that I see would be a nusiance for people wanting to
> a core, would lower the trust for OC and therefore be a hindrance to
> adoptions. Fixing things like this, having core that at least somewhat
> recommendations about naming, documentation (comments in code and separate
> design documents), clocking, reset etc would, I believe, be a good step
> [1] I think one should also ask the question if this is the goal or not.
> even interesting, fruitful och good. I think so.
> --
> Med v�nlig h�lsning, Yours
> Joachim Str�mbergson - Alltid i harmonisk sv�ngning.
> VP, Research & Development
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