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Re: [oc] Verilog coding style for Open Cores-RTL - Case in point SHA1
First I would like to say that I'm a hardware engineer
who can write that odd bit of software too and I don't
have nor would I like to have an associations with
cheap SW designers ;-)
SystemC is more for system modeling (HW+SW) some
complex SoCs like the E-GOLD GSM Chipset from Infenieon
used SystemC in it's design process.
Siemens has also been using SystemC for ATM chipsets.
Sysnopys already has the CoCentric compiler for SysyemC synthesis
and also at the DAC 2003 Synopsys would be showing up at the
SystemC booth.
If you look at the RTL subset of SystemC you'll notice that it's very
to VHDL or Verilog RTL subset. So in terms of syhthesis people who don't
experience with pure HDLs won't be able to just write some code in C++ and
turn it into hardware.
But we'll probably see more executable specifications for SoCs being written
in SystemC.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joachim Str�mbergson" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: [oc] Verilog coding style for Open Cores-RTL - Case in point
Shehryar Shaheen wrote:
> Why would you say SystemC is a gonner ?!
* <rant> Because I belive it's based on a flawed concept of having cheap SW
designers writing code that magically transforms into real world HW</rant>
* Because the consumers (both companies, managers/tool buyers and fellow
engineers) says so:
[SNUG 2003 Trip Report]
[DAC 2002 Trip Report]
IMHO Superlog and SystemVerilog are taking the right approach. By evolving
Verilog to a language with better support for complex data types, efficient
verification, separate interfaces etc we can work with much more complex
designs. Yet, there is always a path back to RTL and generation of HW.
Med v�nlig h�lsning, Yours
Joachim Str�mbergson - Alltid i harmonisk sv�ngning.
VP, Research & Development
InformAsic AB / Hugo Grauers gata 5B / SE-411 33 G�TEBORG / Sweden
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