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Re: [oc] Verilog coding style for Open Cores-RTL - Case in pointSHA1

Nicolas Boulay wrote:
> Le Mardi 20 Mai 2003 03:20, John Dalton a �crit :
>>>... There is no
>>>QA, or even such basic things as verification at OC. Designers
>>>verify their own cores ! This is horrible in my opinion. ...
>>The theory of opensource/free is that, in addition to any
>>verification by authors, users will verify each core and
>>contribute bug fixes.
>>To me this indicates that two actions should increase the
>>quality of OpenCores:
>>1) Add a bug tracking system to OpenCores.
>>2) Instill a culture among uses that fixes and bug reports
>>   should be contributed back to OpenCores (via the bug
>>   tracking system).
> Beside that you could launch an "other" project that you could called 
> opencores or Debian Cores or what ever that package the core and try to 
> improve the quality of the core. That's the purpose of debian in regards of 
> free software.

At this point, OpenCores seems to be more of a Sourceforge than a
Debian.  I think this is actually a Good Thing, because it's what's most
urgently missing.  As such, getting a bug tracking system, like
bugzilla, up and running would be a Very Good Thing[TM].


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