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Re: [oc] K68

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: John Kent <[email protected]>
Date:  Wed, 28 May 2003 23:58:54 +1000

>Hi Shawn ...
>There appears to be some files missing from the Open core site
>It looks too small to be a complete 68K ...

Actually, true... I've left out some stuff.. There are not MUL/DIV in the K68 neither are there ASL/LSL/ROXL stuff in there.. it also lacks Interrupts and many other stuff.. but it's a simple workable processor.. it's not meant to be a plugin replacement for the 68K though.. it's just a processor that can run 68K code..

>My 6809 design takes up most of a XC2S200, so I'm a little supprised
>if  you can fit a 68K in one ....

Hehe.. if you throw in the other stuff I threw out.. then, it'll definitely not fit... maybe it'll take a V800 or something like that...

Thanks for the comments anyway.. I'll continue to try to patch it up and turn it into a true 68K compatible processor.. but that'll take some time.. 

>Shawn Tan wrote:
>>Dear ppl,
>>Announcing a beta of a 68K binary compatible processor.. I've designed a processor to execute most 68K instructions.. The software model is similar to the 68K but it is not architecturally compatible with the 68K.. 
>>I'm interested to know if anyone is capable of replicating my results.. I've successfully prototyped it on a Spartan2-200 at about 20+MHz using internal Xilinx RAM and ROM.. Please check out www.opencores.org/projects/k68..
>>Please also let me know if there are any problems.. this is the first time i'm using CVS.. dunno if i got things right or not.. (:
>>with metta,
>>Shawn Tan.
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