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Re: [oc] Any projects in VHDL with source code ?

Opencores would give you a lot of them with enough documentation as well.  U also get to learn some of the very simple ones in the examples of a xilinx's tool, say, ISE 4.1i or Webpack.

[email protected] wrote:
dear sir,
i want to collect some vhdl codings for my reference.
how can i get it.
please mail me in detail.
thank you.

----- Original Message -----
From: sreekanth_murali@p...
To: myogananth@r... , cores@o...
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 09:37:54 -0100
Subject: [oc] Any projects in VHDL with source code ?

> Hello
> Can I get any projects in VHDL alongwith some source code ? It is
> as a
> continuation to an academic session which involves high end VHDL
> systems. It would be helpful of you could find some in Verilog too.
> Regards,
> Sreekanth Muralidharan Pandarathil.
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R Ramakrishna


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