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[cvs-checkins] ac97_ctrl/ ench/verilog/test_bench_top.v ench/ ...
CVSROOT: /home/oc/cvs
Module name: ac97_ctrl
Changes by: rudi 02/03/05 05:44:06
Modified files:
bench/verilog : test_bench_top.v tests.v
rtl/verilog : ac97_cra.v ac97_defines.v ac97_dma_if.v
ac97_dma_req.v ac97_fifo_ctrl.v ac97_in_fifo.v
ac97_int.v ac97_out_fifo.v ac97_prc.v ac97_rf.v
ac97_soc.v ac97_top.v ac97_wb_if.v
sim/rtl_sim/bin: Makefile
sim/rtl_sim/run: Makefile
Log message:
- Fixed the order of the thrash hold bits to match the spec.
- Many minor synthesis cleanup items ...
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