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RE: [ethmac] question



All depend what you call as MII managment but in general if you are an end
station for example a small card in your PC etc you can do very well without
any mangment at all, there are mnay small hubs (usually repeters with 4 or 8
port) thay work just fine as stand alone with no capability for any
configuration what so ever.

for example the whole issue of checking the MAC-SA/DA unless you are a
switch with several clients and therefore want to do some learning to reduce
traffic than there is really very little if any use for it, the point for
example of telling the "back" if the packet is multicast is really "nothing"
, since there are so mnay multicast type and each need to be handle
differently so unless you also classify etc the "back" will have to
"investigate" the packet in any way so ...

if you are in a switch than the only way you will see collision is if you
trasmite and in this case you will have a collision.

if on the other hand you are located on repeater and let say two station
trasmite and collide than the repeater will send jam to all the port so you
will see some RX traffic but not collision.

hope this help

have a nice day


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
Behalf Of Novan Hartadi
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 9:06 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [ethmac] question

Hi all,

I have some questions :
1. Do we really need MII Management Core for our complete Ethernet Core ?
2. Is it true collision is detected by transmitter only if the station is
   transmitting data ?

- novan hartadi -

BTW, I have updated TxEthMAC at opencores.