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Hi guys!

My name is yefreed Ditta, i�m finishing my degree project for get my 
bachelor degree on electronic engineering..�my project consist on a 
channel codec for UTRA-TDD(UMTS) this include some blocks such as 
CRC attachment,convolutional and turbo codes,Viterbi decoding,turbo 
decoding  and interleavers (1 pseudo-random for tubo coding and 1 
periodic)..t is working perfectly on simulations but i have problems when 
i program it in a ALTERA FLEX10KE..my sybthess tool is LEonardo 
Spectrum and my simulation tool is Maxplus 2 ...then i need some 
specific tips that i have to take in account when i configure the flex10ke 
with my project...it would be really useful if somebody could help me, 
because i need to present it on June 21th. There is a list of the main 
problems and the questions that i have:
- Wich synthesis options (for Leonardo Spectrum) i should use to obtain 
a better perfomance and a concordance between the simulation and the 
hardware behavior?

- Why if i have one block that works perfectly alone when i join it to 
another blocks the design presents problems?

- what is better: high active resets or low active resets?

- Is recommneded to reset the different blocks with a reset coming from 
another block, or is better to uese external reset?

- is better work with little design blocks or with whole strucutres?


Yefreed DItta Osorio

please reply this to my e-mail
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