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Re: [ecc] Reed Solomon decoder

Hi Duane,

Really grateful for ur timely advices and the generosity of u for sharing 
out ur source code which provides mi with greater understanding. I've 
also gotta a copy of the book Error Control Coding, by Lin and Costello. 
With reference to the book's implementation of multiplier, i've managed 
to shrink my 255 encoder from 4000 slices(with exp/binary table) to 200 
slices(abt 4000 gates used). Once again, thanks for ur help which allow 
mi to see light in the midst of darkness... :-)

Yours Sincerely,
Yong Song.

P/s: i've tried reply to u via this forum, but at times it seems to be 
down. is it okie if u provide mi with ur e-mail so that i can reply direct to 
u? if yes, could u reply to [email protected]? thanks.
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