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[ethmac] houston, we have a problem

Hi all,

I have some bad news about OR1K. I recently moved to US and I brought
with me my two hard drives. The drives where I had all my work on. One
drive did not survive the flight and the other is heavily damaged (I
was able to reconstruct at least software development tools for
OpenRISC 1000). I didn't expect something like this especially since I
used them to backup each other and I had moved them before (between my
home and university and there were no problems ever).

I am already trying to reconstruct most of my work from different
sources. Unfortunately I didn't check in my work to CVS for quite some
time. I expect for the OR1003 RTL model to be reconstructed quite soon
(although mostly from my head). Software tools I was luckily able to
reconstruct already. Documents (System Arch Manual mostly) will take a
couple of weeks.

Nevertheless this should have only temporary effect. I am already
testing parts of RTL for TSMC 0.25 5LM and it looks very good (400 MHz
is possible).

Now the good news: a major silicon company will sponsor development of
OpenRISC into silicon. I hope the process will be 0.25u (it looks so
far). No limits on die size though. Together with the processor core
there should also be some preipherals on the chip. But this depends if
other opencores teams prepare all modules on time (if you want to help
with one of the modules tell us). More details will follow.


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