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Re: RE: [ethmac] Test

Heya folks,

I'm putting together a system for Xess XSV800 board that includes also the Ethernet (and some other peripherals).

If you are interested to check it out, see my yesterday's post to XESS forum.

Right now the Ethernet is not working yet, because on XSV800 board you need to drive some Ethernet PHY control signals with their CPLD and this needs to be fixed (this has nothing to do with the Ethernet MAC, which was tested on a proprietary board and it works). Otherwise the system for XSV board already has the Ethernet monitor software and is ready for operation. If you have XSV800 board, you can download the whole thing from OpenCores CVS.


PS My email to XS forum:

Is somebody interested to play with a 32-bit RISC on your XSV800 
board? Want to see if your UART works? Want to see how to interface
to XSV on-board UART/Audio/VGA/PS2/SRAM/Flash/Ethernet devices?

Then you might want to try OpenCores' test application for XESS 
XSV800 board. Right now only parts of it are in OpenCores CVS and
there is no instructions how to use the test application on the web, 
but I thought you might be interested to know in advance and wait
for other parts to be avaiable.

Right now you can get the complete RTL (Verilog, and yes, completely 
FREE including for commercial projects !) and synthesis
project file for Synplify 7 and constraint file for Xilinx Foundation 
ISE 4.1. In case you don't have the same synthesis env. or don't have 
the time to deal with the synthesis/P&R, you can also get the .exo 
and .svf files for direct download.
Also available is the orp monitor 'C' sources (the one that is merged 
in the .exo file) and complete OpenRISC development tools. Soon to be 
available is uClinux (it is already running on OpenRISC !).

Right now not all peripherals are fully fucntional. Audio for example 
is broken (we are changing it right now) and VGA has problems 
connecting to VGA connector because we use Right SRAM bank. Ethernet 
needs 25MHz clock.
We expect to fix this issues in the following days/weeks (depends if 
we get beta testers and developers). Remember OpenRISC team is doing 
this in free/spare/hobby time ! Also it would help if we would have 
more XSV800 boards (a hint to XESS ;-) ...

Anyway if you are interested, start by first reading this:
(click on Download link)

Once you have read the READMe, you can download the whole test 
application sources by clicking this:

or download only the .exo and .svf files:

If you want to browse sources online, go here:

*** IMPORTANT: OpenRISC team is hoping to get beta testers and/or new 
SW/HW developers willing to help us in our mission. For example we 
need a tutorial document how use this test app with XSV board ... ***


PS I don't check this forum regulary, so if you want to get in touch 
with me ASAP, send me an email to lampret@o..._NOSPAM. BTW 
do not ask me questions like 'how to download the .exo' or 'how to 
set the divisor' ... These are answered in your XSV manual or on XESS 
FAQ page !
PS2 For information about OpenRISC, go to 
http://www.opencores.org/cores/or1k-new/ and for information about 
peripherals or OpenCores in general, go to http://www.opencores.org.

On 22 Mar 2002 13:44 CET you wrote:

> I used LXT971A. If you're talking about the test application that runs on
> hw, the answer is yes. But implementation includes OpenRISC, UART, memory
> controller, etc. I can give you the code if you think you can use it.
> Regards,
> 	Igor
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
> > Behalf Of Gvozden Marinkovic
> > Sent: 22. marec 2002 13:40
> > To: [email protected]
> > Subject: [ethmac] Test
> > 
> > 
> > Is there any test application and where I can find some data to
> > download?
> > Which PHY did you use? 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Gvozden
> > 
> > --
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