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RE: [ethmac] ethmac to amba


           I would imagine what the other person (nikos) that send Email
want to do, you should do something similar meaning remove the wb and add
your amba (in his case he was reffering to private bus while in your case it
is amba) as it seem to me that to do a bridge on something you don;t need
will simply make your design bigger and for nothing, not to mention most
likely a bit more complicated.

usualy packet that come in or go out have stored memorey and descriptor
memorey so in the recive part you will need to keep the part that ananlys
the packet and send it to the storage memorey as well as the storage

and on the trasmite path you will need the sotrage memorey from where to
read the packet and the descriptor as well as the trasmite logic.

and all what write to the trasmite memorey as well as read from the recive
memorey you can replace with your own code that can be private/spi/amba/etc

have a nice day


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 5:35 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [ethmac] ethmac to amba

hi all,

can anyone suggest some method to connect an ethmac core to amba. 
as ethmac is wb comaptible, how to go about in bridge designing. 

thanks and regards,

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