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I am the maintainer (nick trueno) of one of the cores in opencores,
"5x4Gbps CRC generator" (www.opencores.org/projects/fast-crc). I have
always thought that one of the bottlenecks of free hardware is the
interconnection with the rest of the system. I had this in mind when I
designed it, but now I am considering making it wishbone-compatible.
Here is where my question comes. I have been reading through the B.3
specs, but I haven't found anything stating clearly how circuits using
two-phase logic should be considered. May you help me in this point?
And another question related to opencores itself. Is there a description
(topic+traffic) of each of the mailing lists that you host? It might be
interesting to sign up for one/some.
Thank you very much. Yours,
Jos� Mar�a Nadal Serrano
"The next generation of IT users
are too poor to use IT right now.
We don't know what will be
useful to them, what services
they need. All we know is that they
won't be using Windows on a PC.''
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